Day 34: Draco

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For the past few weeks, I've been hauled inside the Room of Requirements making adjustments on the Vanishing Cabinet. It provides a wonderful distraction from the boy following Sasha and me around. Even worse, it seems that this Casper fellow fancies Sasha.

Like seriously fancies her.

He laughs at all her jokes, blushing when he gets a compliment and is constantly trying to hold Sasha's hand. Sasha seems to pick up on the signals but doesn't do much. I see her about once every few days when she comes to hang out, and she's always accompanied by Casper.

I hear panting outside and someone slamming the door closed.

"Hey," Sasha says, catching her breath. "Sorry about my entrance. I was running from Casper," I chuckle at that and kiss her.

"S'okay. I'm just glad to see you," Sasha smiles and sits next to me.

"So this is the infamous Vanishing Cabinet, huh?" She asks, curiously looking at it.

"Yeah," I look back in my notes, trying to fix one more part.

"I thought I should tell you. I've made a safety plan," I look at Sasha.

"For who?" I ask warily.

"The younger kids. Kylie and Daphne helped too. Whatever safety plan I make for myself isn't going to work," I nod along as I keep looking at my notes. I check my watch, 11:05 A.M.

"What are you doing out of class?" I wonder aloud.

"Meh, I was bored," Sasha shrugs before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Wow, skipping class now, Myers? I thought you were too classy for that," I joke and Sasha laughs.

"I mean, you're more important. Besides, Kylie will give me the notes later," Sasha looks at my book.

"And I thought my handwriting was good," She smiles. "Okay, I'll stop distracting you," The Room creates a couch and Sasha flops onto it, conjuring up some sugar quills.

"Want one?" She offers and I accept, chewing on it as I find the perfect solution. I put one of the apples I have in a corner of the Room in the Vanishing Cabinet and it comes back, not bitten, not rotten, the same.

"It worked," I whisper, but Sasha seems to be in her own world until she stifles a gasp.

"Love, what's wrong?" I ask.

Sasha looks flustered. "Uh, nothing. I'll be back," Sasha runs out of the Room.

I thought about that moment all day and I head back to our room. Kylie stops me in the Common Room, tears streaming down her face.

"Richardson, what's with the..." Kylie shoves a letter in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, Draco," She whispers before Blaise wraps her in a hug with tears of his own.

What was going on? I open the letter.

Dear Draco, 

By the time you read this, I will be gone. Today Harry and I found out the only way He can lose is if all the Horcruxes are destroyed. Most of them are destroyed already, but we are His most powerful ones. So, to save countless lives, Harry and I have decided to give ourselves up to the Dark Lord.

Please don't be upset, love. I've had a wonderful life filled with joy and memories many can only dream of. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my last hours than be with you.

Please don't mourn me for too long. Find someone else, someone who loves you just as much as I did. As I do. I will never stop loving you, Draco Malfoy.

Thank you, Draco. For everything.


"NO!" I scream, tears spilling out of my eyes like a tsunami.

"COME BACK!" I crumble, everything in my body hurting. I felt numb. I stand up.

"Which way did she go?" I ask gravely.

"Draco we need to let her..." Blaise starts.

"Which. Bloody. Way," I snap. 

"Forbidden Forest, the clearing with the three trees," I run faster than I have ever before, tears spilling from my eyes. I hear footsteps and a voice.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Sasha asks.

A/N: Cliffhanger!! Hope you all enjoyed it!

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