Chapter 1 Part one

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"C'mon Bobby just let me do this one hunt alone, I really want too, plus you still need to make up for the lie"

"Look Alex I had to lie to you, your parents made me promise to raise you as my own, and before you ask, which I know you will, no I won't tell you who they were" Bobby said angrily.

"Ugh why not, I already know your not my dad so why not just tell me who is" I said impatiently waiting for an answer.

"No Alex" Bobby said, he was clearly annoyed by my constant bickering.

"But..., I'll let you go on one case alone, but you have to keep me in on the details already every 3 hours" Bobby sighed.

"OMG thank you so much da.." I stopped talking, I know he's not my father now, but he still loved me like a daughter and I still love him like a dad.

"Thanks dad, whoever is my real father I bet they wouldn't be as cool as you" I said happily, Bobby smiles back at me.

"Hey, question, why did you make us move here?" I ask as I was getting beers from the fridge.

We recently moved to Kansas and Bobby never told me why.

"Well Sam and Dean live down here and I like to keep an eye on those boys" Bobby said, he sounded nervous.

Why does he always act nervous when talking about Sam and dean? I asks myself eh, I mean he did raise them some as well while there dad went on hunting trips and left them here.

I hand Bobby a beer and after a while he decides to tell me details of what my parents looked like.

"So my mom had blonde hair and she was also raised in the hunter life?" I asked, feeling suprised he would even tell me this.

"Thats what I heard about her but she ended up quitting hunting to raise a family" Bobby said nervously.

"Why did she get rid of me though?, I am her family after all" I said confused.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this but you have 2 older brothers" Bobby said, I see him tense up, probably knowing he shouldn't have told me because now I was curious.

"Will I ever get to meet them?, What are their names?, Where do they live?, Do they know about me?" I ask, questions flooding my mind.

"If you are talking about your parents no, because they both...." Bobby stopped talking with a sad look in his eye.

"They are both gone Alex I'm sorry".

Hey its the author, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, my phone doesn't automatically auto correct and I sometimes forget to type in a couple of words so just let me know if you need me to fix that. Also I am not really gonna add any specific events from supernatural because I feel as if that will be to much of a hassle going through old episodes I've already watched so yeah.

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