Chapter 18, The Rescue

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"Cas you alright?" Sam asks, he noticed that Castiel looked like he was in pain.

Ever since last night, Cas had a disturbed look on his face, even when Sam woke up, he saw Cas again, with the same face.

"It...its angel radio, someone is praying to me, it sounds like Alex" Cas says

"What, what is she saying?" Sam asks, he was the only one awake other than Cas, and he was still worried about last night.

"She needs help, she sounds scared and hurt" Cas says.

"Damnit, what are they doing to her?!" Sam says, his protective side was showing through.

"I don't know, but it can't be good, we need to go get her, the angels are probably still torching her" Castiel says.

"I'll go get Jack, you wake up Dean, I'm pretty sure we'll find Scar around here somewhere" Sam says, Case just nods in response.

They both split apart, going to the other rooms.

"Jack we need to go, now" Sam says as he enters his room, but Jack wasn't there.

Sam remembers how much Jack cared about Alex missing, so he walks to Alex's room and finds jack sitting on her bed.

"Jack we have to go, we're going to save Alex" Sam says with determination in his voice.

Jack immediately gets up and follows Sam to the library where everyone else was waiting for them.

They all get their angel blades and drive over to heavens gates, they see about four angels guarding them.

"I'll take care of the angels, you guys go save Alex" Scar says, she left the car quietly before the angels noticed they were there.

Scar walks over to the angles as if nothing was wrong.

"Holy God, you're one of the guardian hounds" an angel says.

"Give me my friend back" Scar says

"I'm stronger than you guys don't think I won't kill you to get to her" she growls.

"Should've known you marked that disgrace" another angel says.

"Give her back" Scar says her eyes began to glow a dark green.

The angels attack but Scar easily killed all of them, while the boys sneak into heaven unnoticed

"I can sense her, we are getting closer" Jack says.

Cas notices about 5 angels guarding a room.

"That's gotta be the room Alex is in" Sam says, suddenly they hear a loud agonizing scream come from the room.

"We gotta get through them to get to Alex" Cas says

"Me and Sam will take the Angels on the left, you and jack get the ones on the right" Dean says.

They all get into action and attack the angels, all the angles are killed.

"I can sense 2 angels in the room" Jack said.

They all hear Alex scream in pain, so they all kick the door at once, making the door fly off the hinges.

"Damnit, Winchesters" an angel says, they were torturing her.

Alex is covered in her own blood and she is barely healing.

"Alex stay with us!" Sam yells.

"Well be right back, don't go anywhere" the angels say smirking.

The female angel quickly falls dead when Scar steps out from behind her.

"Don't touch her.." Scar says to the other angel who is holding an archangel blade.

"Alright, alright" the man says putting it down, he slowly begins to back up.

Jack teleports behind the man and stabs him with his angel blade.

"Oh my God Alex are you okay?" Sam says as he runs up to her, but he gets no response.

"Alex?" Dean says, almost low enough to be a whisper.

"ALEX??!!" Jack yells, he quickly checks Alex's pulse and thankfully feels a heart beat, but it was very slow

"Cas help me heal her" Jack says.

Jack and Cas heal Alex as much as they can they all take her back to the bunker.

"You think she'll be okay?" Jack asks.

"Yes, Alex is strong I guarantee she will be okay" Dean says.

A couple hours later Alex woke up, she noticed the change in her surroundings quickly and realized she was safe, she was home.

"Hey..." Dean says, Alex looks over and sees Dean with tear stains on his cheeks.

"You were that worried about me?" She asks.

"Of course I was, why wouldn't I be?" He asked her, now he looks concerned.

"Where's Jack?, Did he say anything to you guys?" Alex says, she remembered why she got kidnapped, she was running, running from her problems, again...

"No, why?, What's wrong?" Dean asks.

"Nothing, Dean how long has it been since you actually got good sleep?" Alex asks, he doesn't respond.

"Dean go get some sleep, I'll be okay" Dean looks at Alex and sees she was worried about him.

He nods and leaves for his room.

A couple minutes later Jack comes into Alex's room.

"You're awake!" Jack says as he runs up to Alex to hug her

"No, no hugs it still hurts" Alex says with a laugh as she gently pushed Jack away.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he says backing away

"Nah, it's alright" she says, Alex noticed the worry in Jack's eyes as he looked at her arms.

"Jack..., Did you tell them?" Alex asks as she looks down.

"No...but Alex we need to talk about it, you can't run away from me again" Jack says.

"Alright" Alex says, she knew she couldn't run and risk jack telling the others.

"First, I want you to show me them, I want to see how bad it is" Alex tensed up, it suddenly became harder to breath but she knew she wasn't gonna get away now.

She pulled up her sleeves and tried to show Jack the scars but they were gone, she remembered her healing factor and sighed.

" guys must've healed them when you healed me earlier or my healing factor probably kicked in" Alex said almost thankful they healed her without permission.

"Okay well every time you feel like doing that to yourself let me know okay, and I'm sorry Alex but next time you do it I'll tell the others, so promise me you won't do it again" Jack says.

"I promise" Alex says, though she knew she would keep it.

Jack nods and leaves.

Just keep the ones on your thighs a secret Alex, no biggie, you can't let him find out, you can't let Dean and the others find out, just don't fuck up...

Hey it's the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there's more to come, if you just started this book good, but if you didn't then there's gonna be a lot of changes when you read it again.

Like always, I love y'all, bye 💞

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