Chapter 19

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Alex pulled out the box of blades from her dresser and took about 10 out.

She took out some tape and looked around her room for better hiding places.

She taped a blade to a shelf built into her wall, then she hollowed out a book and stuck her box of blades inside it, she taped a blade under a car figure she had, and put two under her tv.

She went into her bathroom and taped two blades under the sink.

She put two more blades under her bed and put the remaining two in her phone case.

She hoped the hiding places were good enough and Jack wouldn't find them.

Alex suddenly felt dizzy, she fell to the floor of her room, and blacked out.

~Jack's POV~

I was halfway down the hallway when I remembered that I didn't take Alex's blades away from her.

I walked back to her room when I heard a loud thud outside her room.

"Alex?" I ask as I knock on the door but I didn't get a response so I opened the door.

I saw Alex on the ground not moving.

"Alex?!" I yell, I kneel down and check for a pulse, thankfully I feel one.

Suddenly Alex begins to twitch and her breaths begin to speed up, her hands begin to glow red and she screams. (the top of page)

My ears begin to ring and I fall to the ground in pain, I see Alex lean up quickly and she starts to cry.

"Alex?.." I ask, she looks over at me and she looked terrified.

"Jack..., mom's gonna kill me" she cries, I look at her confused, then she pulled up her shirt and there was words carved into her side.

They read, we're coming, I look at Alex and she looks at me.

"We need to tell the others, you need to tell us exactly what happened" I say, she nods and I help her up off the floor.

"Jack?!, Alex?!, What was that?!" Dean yells, he was still covering his ears, Alex's scream must've effected the whole bunker because seconds later, Sam and Cas come to the library looking in pain.

"It was Alex, she has a nightmare" I say, Alex looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"It wasn't just a nightmare, it was my mom, one minute I was in my room just picking it up, when suddenly I felt dizzy, next thing you know I'm in a black room with people surrounding me, then Kate comes out" Alex says,

"What did she do?" Sam asks.

"She took out a blade and carved words into my side" Alex said, she lifts her shirt and shows the words on her ribcage.

"We're coming?, What's that supposed to mean?" Cas asks.

"Those people surrounding me, they must've been an army..." Alex's breathing begins to quicken and I see her eyes unfocus, she was having a panic attack.

"Alex?...Alex you okay?" I see Dean's eyes grow with worry.

"Alex..." I say, she shakes her head and her body begins to shake.

"Alex!, Listen to me, you're having a panic attack, I need you to think of something, anything to get your mind off of this, uhh think about something that makes you happy, how about friends?, Or family?" I say.

"I..I can't" Alex says, she begins to tear up.

"Forgive me for this..." I say, Alex looks at me confused, I put a hand into her forehead and transport myself into her mind.

I get dragged into one of Alex's memories.

It was as if I was in third person, I watched as a male and a women walk up to Alex inside a bar, then I see Alex get up and leave, I watch as the female spits in Alex's drink.

"What the hell.." I say, I watch Alex come back and drink her drink, I see the male and female smirk and I see Alex get up and suddenly faint.

I watch as they drag her out of the bar saying that she was their friend.

Suddenly I'm transported to another room, I see Alex tied to a support beam, she was screaming for help, the sirens were raping her....

"Stop!" I scream, I run to rip the sirens off of her but the memorie just disappears, I then remember the bar fight, how terrified Alex had to be.

I then get transported to another memory, her nightmare.

Alex was in a dark room, and people were surrounding her, I look closer at their details and realize that they are monsters, demons, werewolves, vampires, angels, and hellhounds.

Suddenly a woman walks out of the crowd, I guess this was Alex's mom.

She just laughs at Alex.

"Please...please don't hurt me..." I heard the panic in Alex's voice.

"Oh hunny, nobody can hurt you more than you hurt yourself" Kate laughs, suddenly she pulled out a box cutter and began to carve the words into Alex's side.

Alex screams in pain and tears flow from her eyes.

"This should feel familiar, I mean you already know what it feels like on your wrists" Kate manically laughs.

I let go of Alex's forehead and noticed the sadness in her eyes.

"Alex..." I whisper, she just stares at me, suddenly she gets up and walks to her room without saying a word.

Hey this is the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was one that I had to completely rewrite so I hope it makes the other chapters better.

I also wanted to say please don't criticize me for the self harm issues I am writing about, I know that self harm is no joke and I'm not and never will joke about it, I struggle with self harm issues myself and I know it's a touchy subject so I apologize if it triggers anyone.

And like always I love y'all, bye 💕

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