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*Alex's POV*

I steady my breathing and look at Ivy.

"Why would you care anyways, I mean you barely know me"

"Well, one, we're roommates, and two, I'm just concerned for you" she tells me.

"Well how about we have a deal, you never, ever tell anyone about this, and I'll help you find an alpha" I tell her.

"Yes okay deal" Ivy says.

"Well, there's something inside of me, it's like an evil spirit but you can't get it to go away unless you turn the body its occupying" I tell her.

"Is that why you have those lines on your back?" She asks me.

I nod.

"Im sorry" she says.

"Its fine" I tell her.

I walk to the courtyard and see Stiles and Oliver.

They walk over to the phones but quickly realize they dont work, I look at a girl sitting on the ground with her knees up to her chest.

She looks up and then stares at me, her smile becomes wider and wider, the room starts to spin.

Her eyes start to melt and I fall to the ground, I look at the ground and it also shakes, my breathing becomes unsteady.

"Your okay, you're okay, you just Lucid dreaming" I tell myself.

I grab ahold of my arm and begin to scratch myself, I can see Stiles in the distance laughing at me, but I soon realize it's actually Void.

I start to dig deeper into my arm and skin starts to peel off.

"Woah, woah!, hey!,  grab her!" I hear someone yell.

I look up and the rooms still spinning, I see guards start to run towards me.

"Shit.."I mumble, I pull myself up off the floor and run from the guards, I keep hitting the wall trying to keep my balance.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be ma'am" I hear a guard say behind me.

"What the hell?!" I hear them say, I look up and see a man standing there, his hands are bloody, and his eyes turn black.

"Winchester" the man says as he steps closer to me.

"How are you a Winchester, you don't seem like you'll put up much a fight" he says as he laughs.

"Oh trust me, I'm stronger and better" i tell him.

He starts to run towards me, the guards step in front of me but just get thrown into the wall, they get knocked out.

"We will always find you, we know what you are, it's only a matter of time before everyone else find out!!" The demon yells.

"Yeah good luck with that" I say as I make my hands glow.

I slam him against the wall.

"I'm winning" I say as I kneel over the man.

I laugh, I put my glowing hand onto the mans head and the demon is expelled back to hell

I begin to fake cry and run into the hallway.

"Help!, they're all dead, they, they.....," I speed up my breathing.

"Ma'am calm down, you need to come with me and tell me what happend" a women says as she grabs me.

I nod and follow the lady to a separate room.

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