chapter 20

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The next couple of weeks go by slowly, the boys wait for this army and Alex hasn't talked to Jack since he looked into her mind.

"Guys I think I found us another case" the words Alex has wanted to hear for weeks.


"Guys I think I found us another case, multiple people charged with crimes going so far as murder when they claimed to be somewhere else during the time of the crime, oh and they got alibis but they also got witnesses" I say.

I look over at Alex and see that she looks relieved, Alex has been acting tensed and worried for the past couple of weeks and I assume that it's because of what happened with Jack, whatever he saw, both of them haven't said anything about it.

"Nice, when do we leave?" she asked.

"Oh, um, how about tomorrow, who is coming?" I ask, i look at Cas who nods then I look at Sam who shakes his head, Jack nods and Alex seems disappointed.

"Alex?, you?" I ask she snaps back to reality and just stares at me for a minute but eventually she nods.

"Alright sammy is staying and everyone else is going" I say.

Everyone nods, the rest of the day goes by fast and what feels like only 30 minutes later it's already time to go to bed.

"Hey babe, can you please come to my room?" I ask Cas, he nods and follows me.

"Hasn't Alex been acting strange lately, like she is always on alert or tensed" I say leaning back on my head board.

"I have noticed but I've also noticed Jack is also acting strangely, do you think they are hiding something from us?" he asks.

"I don't know babe but Jack will eventually spill whatever they are hiding from us, because you know he hates lying" I say kissing Cas.

"Do you think it's because of what jack saw when Alex had that panic attack?" I ask.

Cas looks at me.

"Maybe, but I don't think so, now kiss me lover boy" Cas says, I chuckle and kiss him.

The next morning

I wake up next to Cas.

"Have a nice sleep?" He asks.

I smile and kiss him.

I get up and take a shower.

"Jesus Cas, like I told you before please knock" I say as I quickly cover my private part, Cas just smiles.

"Sorry baby, I see you still got abs even though you eat so many burgers" he says with a small chuckle.

"Haha, very funny, anyways we are leaving in about half an hour so go wake up Alex and Jack please" I say, Cas just looks at me annoyed.

"Fine" he says with a groan.

I smile, I put on my clothes and shoes and walk to the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen I see Alex drinking a beer.

"Why the hell are you drinking so early in the morning?" I ask, about to take it from her.

She chugs the rest of the beer and lets me grab it from her, I look at her confused, she just shrugs and leaves me standing there

"I woke up Jack but apparently Alex is already awake" Castiel says as he enters the kitchen.

"Why the hell do you have a beer this early in the morning dean?" Cas asks,  taking the beer and seeing that it's empty.

"That wasn't me who drank that Cass it was Alex, I took it away from her but she quickly chugged it before I could grab it" i say.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Cas asks, he is clearly concerned for Alex's well being like me, by now I think everyone can tell she's not okay.

"I don't know babe but like I said we will find out in time just give it a while, then ask Jack and hope he gives a stupid lie, then he has to tell us the truth" I say

A little while later we all get ready for the hunt.

We all get into baby and take off, I keep an eye on Jack and Alex, I notice that Jack is also keeping an eye on Alex but all Alex is doing is playing with her phone and a karambit knife which I still find unusual.

Once we reach a hotel named Knights Inn, Alex gets a separate room and I ask if Jack would like to be with me and Cas or if he wants a separate room and not to my surprise he chooses a separate room.

I text Sammy to let him know we are here and he says good luck.

We all get ready to hunt, I tell them to all bring silver because I believe that this is a shape shifter.

"Alright we will wait in the car while you guys go inside I guess" I tell Alex and Cas, Alex looks at jack and gives him the eye, Jack nods in a response.

Cas and Alex get out of the car to go talk to the police and look at security cams.

I turn around to look at Jack but he's gone.

"Freaking Angels I swear!" I mutter, now I really know Alex is behind the whole secret, I look back over to my window and a couple minutes later see Alex and Cas walk out.

I hear the flutter of wings behind me and turn my head to see Jack.

"Where did you go?" I ask but before I could even get an answer Alex and Cas got into the car.

Hey this is the author and I apologize that I've been slow on editing lately, it's just been difficult to keep up with, a lot has been happening with my personal life.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, peace ✌️

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