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While Alex is driving down the road Stiles dad calls him.

"hey dad"

"Stiles can you come home and bring your friend with you, I need more details on the witch thing, plus its 5:00"

"Yeah sure" Stiles says.

"Yo, Alex, can we go to my house?, my dad says he need to talk" Stiles says, Alex nods and they drive to Stiles house.

When they enter the house Stiles dad is sitting at the table, he has the blade that Alex took away from the witch in a evidence bag on the table.

"Heyyyyyy.....dad" Stiles says.

"It took me long enough to know werewolves were real and now your gonna tell me that witches are real" he says.

"Yeah well that's not even half of the things out there" Alex says.

"What?!" The sherriff says.

"Well there's angels, demons, vampires, witches, leviathans, sirens, purgatory monsters, Lucifer, and the one nobody will believe, God and his sister" Alex says as she sits down.

"I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that" Stiles dad says.

Alex hears a thud behind her, she looks and sees Stiles passed out behind her.

Alex  kneels down and puts her glowing palm on his forehead

Alex  kneels down and puts her glowing palm on his forehead

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He wakes up.

"Dude, you need to control that" Alex says helping him up.

"Stiles you okay?" His dad asks, Stiles nods and him and Alex sit down at the table.

Alex explains about the Angel's and demons, she explains what she was doing there, about her family, about herself, and what she is, it takes about 2 hours.

"I'm pretty sure a witch has cursed me and 2 other girls, she made me 16 again and she clearly wanted to expose me" Alex says.

"Wait so what's your real name and age then?" The sherriff asks.

"My real name is Alexandra winchester but everyone calls me Alex, and I'm supposed to be 18"

"Okay....." the sherriff says.

"Well Alex you and Stiles should probably head out, he needs to get his jeep and come home" the Sheriff says.

Alex smiles and nods, but on the other hand Stiles looks embarrassed by his father still treating him like he's a little kid.

"Stiles, c'mon" Alex says.

Stiles gets up and walks with Alex to her car.

They drive to the Argent's place, Alex tells Stiles goodbye and he leaves.

"Hey I'm back" Alex says, she puts her bag down and gets her laptop out.

"Hey, we found out what the symbols mean that you found on the dead guy" Sam says.

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