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"Why do we have to stay here?" Dean asks annoyed.

"Because I'm not staying at that hotel, now shut up" Alex says grabbing her bag that was hanging on the wall.

"I'm off to school" Alex says as she stuffs the t-shirt she wore the night of the attack into her bag.

She grabs her keys and drives to school.

She starts to walk down the hallway but is tugged into the locker room.

"Ewww, it stinks in here" Alex says covering her nose with her shirt.

"Its the boys lockeroom, why wouldn't it stink?" Alex hears Scott say, she hands him the shirt, they had an agreement that he would try and track down the alpha if Alex explained more about her powers.

"Yep I got their scent but they're not here" he says giving her the shirt back.

"It also smells like alchohol" he says, Alex laughs and grabs the shirt.

She walks to first period and starts to doze off as she draws in her notebook.

"Alexandra, if your not gonna pay attention in my class, then why are you here?" The teacher asks taking the notebook from Alex.

"Give me that back" Alex says standing up.

"Why?, are you hiding something in here?" The teacher asks about to open the notebook.

Alex jumps over the table and grabs the notebook from the teachers hand, she looks at her confused.

"Its personal" Alex says walking back to her seat.

"Well, fine, that's detention for you" the teacher says as she walks back to the front of the classroom.

"Whatever" Alex says putting the notebook back in her bag and grabbing her bag, she stands up and walks to the front of the class.

"And where do you think your going?" The teacher asks.

"Well I'm not paying attention so I'm leaving" She says flipping off the teacher as she runs out of the class.

"Stiles?, where are yo.." Scott says as Stiles grabs his stuff and leaves the class.

Alex runs to a part of the woods behind the school, she pulls out the journal from her bag and begins writing words in it

She looks next to her and sees Stiles standing there.

"Shit!, dont do that!, why are you even here?, did you follow me?" Alex says as she quickly closes the journal.

"Yeah" he says smiling.

"Alright well it's not like I can make you go away without you asking your stupid annoying questions, so get it over with" She says as she pats the ground next to her.

"Well, what's so important to you in that notebook?" Stiles says as he sits down.

"If I tell you you'll think I'm crazy" Alex says.

"Nah, nothing you tell me will make me think you're crazy" Stiles says.

"Well I have some deep stuff in there about my past and I also write down stuff I think about, and...things the voices tell me" she says as she looks at the ground

"If you don't wanna tell me I understand why, but what kind of stuff happened to you?" He asks her.

She sighs and looks at him.

"Stiles this stuff might mess with your brain, are you sure you wanna know" she asks him, he nods.

"Well, when I was about 13 I started getting bullied, people hated me because of the way I looked " Alex pauses and takes a drink

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