Chapter 22

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Major TW in this chapter, it includes self harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempt

            You have been warned⚠️

"Are you fucking kidding me Alex, you promised you wouldn't, you know what I said I would do if you did that again" Jack says.

"Jack I seriously didn't!, my wrists are clean!" Alex yells, she starts to get mad at herself.

"Alex you promised"

"Please jack I'm begging you" Alex says trying to make him see the truth.

Jack shakes his head and leaves her room.

Alex jumps onto her bed and starts to cry into her pillow.

When they get back to the bunker Alex goes to her room and gets a shower, trying to wash out the memory but she knew Jack was gonna say something.

Meanwhile with Jack.

Jack goes back to his hotel room and begins to pack his stuff, he thinks about the argument.

"I have to tell them..., It's the only way I can help her" Jack tells himself.

The next day when they all got home, Jack made sure everyone was in the library before he started talking.

Alex's eyes go wide as she sees Jack, she begins to cry and panic.

"Jack!, No please!" She yells at him.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, what's wrong?" Sam asks.

"Alex is...."

"Please jack...!" Alex yells.

"Alex is hurting herself" Jack says, he looks over to see Alex throw her hands in the air angrily, she began to walk up the stairs of the bunker.

"Wait what do you mean?" Cas asks.

"She's cutting herself" Jack says, everyone's eyes fill with worry and the room's mood instantly changes.

"No she wouldn't do that, why would she?, how could she?, when did she?" Dean says, he feels tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

"She explained to me that she started to because she couldn't save people, and then she promised to stop if I didn't tell you" Jack says.

"We need to find her, we need to find her now!" Cas says.

Dean instantly runs outside and gets in his car, he begins to drive around looking for Alex, Cas and Jack teleport to places trying to find Alex while Sam tries to find a locator spell.

Meanwhile, Alex is driving down a random road, she pops open her glove department and finds a hidden razor blade in it, she also finds her vape, she grabs the vape and begins to cry harder while driving down the road, she eventually stops at an abandoned building and gets out, she climbs up onto the roof, she pulls out her vape and starts to hit it several times.

Suddenly Alex hears a flutter of wings and a slight gasp, she knew it wasn't Jack or Castiel, it was a girl.

"Alex please, come back to the bunker, we can talk this out, the boys are really worried about you..." It was Scar.

"Do you really think talking is gonna fix me?" Alex laughs, she looks at Scar with a look of emptiness.

"Please Alex...." Scar says almost pleading.

Alex stands up and looks Scar in the eyes.

"I'm fine!, Why can't you guys just leave me alone!" She screams.

"You think this is okay?!" Scar grabs Alex's arm and flips it, she widens her eyes when she sees nothing there.

"I thought...jack said....." Scar whispers, Alex shoves her and takes her arm back.

"Alex, please..." Scar says.

Alex shakes her head and suddenly disappears.

"Alex..." Dean says, Alex looks around and sees she's at the bunker.

" I didn't want to teleport here..." She says.

"I'm sorry Alex, I knew you were gonna run away somehow and I needed you back here..." Scar said

"Jack! Cas!" Scar yells, the two angels appear and look at Alex with concern in their eyes.

Alex rolls her eyes running to her room and locks herself inside, she quickly cast a spell and makes the room angel proof.

"Alex?!, Alex please let me in..., Alex..." Jack yells outside of her door, she begins to shake.

Do it!, They won't even care!, Plus now that they know they'll treat you like a baby 24/7 so just do it!

The voice screamed in Alex's mind.

Do it!!!

Alex sighed as she grabbed one of her hidden razors and walked to her bathroom, ignoring the constant banging coming from her door.

She started the bath water and climbed in with her clothes still on, she pulled up her sleeve and began crying.

She slid the blade deep against her wrist, she then did it on the other wrist and back and forth and back and forth until she felt weak, she began to see black dots in her vision, she made one last deep cut and the  black dots consumed her vision.

Outside of Alex's door Jack and Scar constantly banged and tried to get inside but they couldn't.

"Dean!!, Sam!!" Jack yelled, tears were falling from his face and he couldn't stop them.

"What's happening?!, Why haven't you gotten her yet?!" Dean yelled.

"We can't, Alex angel proofed the door your the only two who can get in!" Scar said.

Dean kicked open the door and heard water running.

"Alex?!, Sam banged on the bathroom door but he got no response so he ended up kicking in the door.

"Alex...." Deans voice dropped, it was a charlie situation in a whole different way, there was blood dripping from Alex's wrist, turning the water red, she layed there unconscious and she looked extremely pale.

"No!" Sam screamed, he ran into the bathroom and grabbed Alex's body, he cried like he never had before, he then remembered the angels outside the door.

Hey guys...I apologize if this chapter triggered anyone, I tried to warn you, but I hope you liked it.

Like i always say, I love you guys so much 💕, and if anyone ever needs to talk about anything please talk to me

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