Chapter 3

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~Deans POV~

Alex just killed two sirens with barely any help, I know Bobby raised her to be a good hunter but when did she learn how to do that? I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard Cas cough awkwardly.

"Were you also captured by them?" I ask her, I can see her eyes fill with pain, she shifts and is clearly uncomfortable with the question.

"Yes I was, but I broke their trance and got back to my hotel in time to get what I needed to kill them" Alex said as she stares at Cas.

"Did you get hurt or anything?" I ask, I look at Cas who is also staring at Alex.

"No I'm fine" that was a clear lie, I can tell by just her voice they did something to her, but I'm not gonna push it.

"Why are you guys even here, did Bobby send you?" She asks

I look at her weirdly wondering why she called him Bobby.

Did they get in a fight or something she never calls Bobby by well..Bobby

"What do you mean by Bobby?, did you two get into a fight?, and no he didn't send us, we found this case" Sam said.

"He is not my real dad" Alex says quietly but lound enough for us to hear.

"Wait what, how?" Sam asked clearly astonished.

I wasn't really surprised, I didn't think Bobby would have kids.

He told me what happened with his dad and that he was scared to have kids because he thought he would turn out like his father.

"Then who are your real parents?" Cas asked as he tilted his head, why would Cas care about Alex?.

"Bobby said they were hunters, but they are both dead" Alex said.

I looked at Cas and he looked at me, no, she can't be, can she?

"Well I should probably get back to my hotel, but before I go can I get your number because in the future I might need your help on cases" Alex said.

"Which one?, We have many" I said with a nervous laugh.

~Alex's POV~

Thank God, they bought my story, if they asked what the sirens did to me I would have instantly started crying, shit, I'm about to right now..

Dean gave me Sam and his multiple numbers, so I gave them mine, as I was walking back to my car I see the 1967 Chevy Impala that Dean drives.

I always have loved that car.

I walk over to my Hellcat Charger and push back the back seat to the secret compartment where I put the dagger.

"Nice car, how'd you get it?" Sam asks as he comes out of the house.

"I outmart a lot of people, pickpocket, steal and I have multiple jobs" I say.

"What's your jobs?" He asks.

"Lifegard, cashier, and house sitter, I make the most money with lifeguard, you wont believe how many kids cant swim..." I say.

Sam chuckles and nods.

I get into my car and drive back to the hotel to find Lilly with a case of beer on the bed.

"What's this all about?" I ask.

"I should've told you this earlier but I'm a hunter too Alex, you know you shouldn't just let random people in your hotel room, I found all your stuff, including your real ID and license, no criminal record yet huh?"

"Nope, I also figured you were a hunter, Argents are a famous line of hunters, just like my family line" I say, she smiles.

"That's the thing, what's your line of hunters?, your last name is singer and the only hunter with the last name singer I know is Bobby Singer" Lilly says.

"Well, apparently my parents were hunters, don't know their last names yet, but we'll see, bobby said they were really famous though" I say.

We both take a drink.

"I thought you weren't old enough to drink" Lilly says laughing.

"Hey if I can kill monsters like sirens, demons and vampires I'm old enough to drink" I say.

"Alright well I should probably get out of your hair, oh and btw I got the other girls out of there trance too" Lilly says, she looked like she was having a flashback then looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"Did they..." Lilly was about to ask.

"No, no they didn't, I'm fine" I say, she nods, I could tell she knew I was lying but she didn't push it.

Before leaving she put a note on the table.

I stay up for a little longer, updating Bobby on what happened and about the hunter I met, I didn't tell him about Sam and dean though or what happened with the sirens.

Eventually I picked up the note Lilly left, she wrote down her number.

Here is my number if you need my help on a case or something similar to that ***-***-****.

I put her number in my phone and finished the case of beer.

Memories flashed in my mind of what the sirens did to me, it makes me want to get sick, I ended up actually getting sick and decide to just go to bed and try and not remember the terrible memories.

Hey it's the author, Alex has some PTSD which you will notice in these next few chapter, and as you can also see dean might have figured out who his sister is, find out what's happening in the next chapter, and if I made any spelling mistakes I apologize.

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