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Alex watches the jeep follow closely behind the cop car she was in.

She walks into the station and sits down in the sheriff's office, he takes her finger print and leads her to the investigation room.

She sits down and talks about what happened, they bring in the boys and they admit the truth.

The police nod and let Alex out of the room.

*Alex's POV*

I walk out of the station and feel breathing on my neck, I turn around quickly, pulling out my pocket knife.

"Woah, jesus, would you please take the knife away from my throat" Its the sherriff son.

"Don't do that, and don't tell your dad I have this" I say as I put it away.

"Sorry, but may I ask, why do you have a knife on you?" he asks.

"I'm a hunter" I say nonchalantly, I didn't feel a need to lie to the kid, i mean he probably thought I meant hunting deer anyways.

He gave a strange look and just nodded his head, I looked into his eyes I could tell he knew something about my type of hunters.

"Uhh, that's cool, I won't tell my dad about the blades, and I'm leaving now, bye" he says as he try's to run off.

"Ah, not so fast" I say as I grab the boys arm.

"W..what?" He asks, his voice was shakey.

"Can I get a ride back to school?" I ask.

"Oh, uh, sure" the boy says

"Thanks, my name's Alexandra" I say sticking my hand out.

"Stiles" he says nervously.

"Give me a second to call someone and I'll be there in a sec" I say, he nods and leaves.

I call Sam and Dean and explain the situation but I say nothing about the kid, I don't think he's a threat.

I hang up the phone and find the baby blue jeep, I get in and Stiles drives me back to school, I thank him and get inside my car.

While driving back to the hotel a black Camaro pulled in front of me blocking my path, I look in the car and see a middle aged man with black hair and a scruffy beard.

I reverse my car and he follows me, I pull on the side of the road and he does the same.

I grab my gun and get out, he gets out of his car and begins to walk up to me, I point the gun at him

He backs up.

"Why are you following me?" I ask.

He doesnt reply, instead he flashes his eyes at me.

He runs towards me and I drop my gun, when he gets about 5 feet away I scream, he falls to the ground in pain, I quickly grab my gun and run to my car

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He runs towards me and I drop my gun, when he gets about 5 feet away I scream, he falls to the ground in pain, I quickly grab my gun and run to my car.

I speed away.

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