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A couple weeks later everything seems to be going okay, the boys are constantly checking on Alex, and checking her arms making sure she hasn't cut, she hasn't, well at least not on her wrist.

Meanwhile they were on a case.

"Dean 3 o'clock!" Sam yells, they were on a ghost case and turns out there were several ghost in the house and they were trying to hold them off.

Alex swings at the ghost with an iron poker that came from the fireplace, she hits 2 ghosts and then gets thrown against the wall by another, Sam shoots at the ghost and Alex drops to the floor.

"Hey you okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah I think so" Alex says as she starts to scratch her shoulder, they both make it out the door and see dean in the car shooting some ghost that were surrounding it.

"Hurry up some of them are buried out here!" he yells, they both rush to the car and Dean speeds away from the house.

"uh...guys this thing on my arm really itches" Alex says, she shows the boys a scratch mark that had formed.

"Let me take a look maybe I can help" Jack says as he suddenly appears in the back seat.

"Oh, hey jack, y'know you could've helped us back there right" Alex says annoyed.

"Sorry...." he says

"Here" Alex says as she shows him her arm.

"Oh no" Jack mumbles, Alex looks at him confused.

"Dean, you remember when you got that ghost sickness?" Jack asks, Dean looks at him weird.

"How did you know about that?" He asks.

"Sam told me, but do you remember?" He asks, dean looks at Sam with the bitch face.

"Whatever, anyways what about it?" Dean asks.

"Alex has ghost sickness but not the same one as you did" Jack says.

"Dang, looks just like it" Sam says looking at Alex's shoulder again.

"Well what kind of new ghost sickness is this?" Sam asks.

"Looks like a sickness to make people act like they have mad hatters disease" Jack says looking at Sam concerned.

"What the hell is mad haters disease?" Dean asks

"She will get hallucinations, temptation to kill, and or kill herself" Jack says concern laced in his voice.

"Great, just great, how the hell are we gonna cure this?" Alex asks, she was starting to fidget with her rings and bracelets she was wearing.

"Well uh, last time when Dean got a ghost sickness we had to find out how and who he got it from, then we found the ghost and had to kill it" Sam says, he looks back at Alex sharply and quickly then at Jack, his eyes were wide.

"Last time dean had a 24 hour period before his heart was gonna give up, is the same thing gonna happen to Alex?!" Sam asks

"Sort of but not really, hers is gonna be different in 24 hours she is gonna either kill herself or kill someone" Jack says, now everyone in the car was even more worried.

"Okay well it looks like we have to kill the ghost who did this to you, basically we have to burn the bones" Sam says.

"Ok, how do we find out which ghost in the house did it?" Dean asks.

"Well you have to be smarter than the ghost to know that Dean" Sam says, Dean scoffs.

"What he means is we have to find out who all died there and find the ghost who died from mad hatters disease, and then burn their bones" Jack said.

"Are you sure you'll be able to find them?, There were a lot of ghosts there " Alex says

"Well stop at nothing to find them" Jack says.

"Are you alright Alex?" Sam asks.

"Just tired" Alex says as she sits down.

The boys nod, Jack and Sam get another room while Dean and Alex want to stay in the room they were in.

Dean falls asleep around 11:00 but Alex stays up, she gets dressed and leaves the hotel.

~Deans POV~

I wake up and hear Alex's car start, I look over to her bed and see that she is not there, I then get up and peek out the window, sure enough she is driving away in her car to God knows where.

I call sam and ask him what I should do.

"Sammy Alex just left, I don't know where she went, should I follow her?" I ask worried.

"Crap, okay, um, I would follow her just in case, I mean I know it's only been a few hours since she got the ghost sickness but she is a witch so it might be shorter or longer before she gets symptoms" Sam says, I could hear his bed creak like he was ready to go with me.

"Uh, okay, yeah, I'll go, just you and Jack be careful" I say.

"Oh, okay, you too" Sam says, I grab a pair of jeans, a black short sleeve shirt, and my keys and get to driving.

We arrive at a bar, I stop a little bit away from the bar so Alex doesn't see my car.

When she goes inside I park my car around the back and lock it.

Hey it's the author, it took me a while to post this one but I finally finished it so yay, anyways I was originally gonna make the ghost sickness as it will turn Alex into a killer in 24 hours but I wanted to add some more trauma to the situation, anyways I hope you like it and more parts coming soon.

Bye 💕

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