Chapter 8

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~Third person~

While Alex is driving, Dean calls her.

He asks if she is okay, Alex says yes and explains that all their mother ever cares about was how perfect her family was.

Alex walks into her hotel room and goes to look at herself in the mirror.

She sees minor bruising on the place where Shelby mom slapped her repeatedly.

She decided to go to bed because it was getting late.

Sam and Dean get back, Sam starts to do research on purple eyed creature's, while Dean takes a shower and goes to bed.

Sam stays up until about 1 and then goes to sleep.

~Alexs POV~

I wake up around 7 am and decide to take a run to get my mind off of what happened yesterday, I take a morning shower, grab a running outfit and a white jacket to put my gun in and set off.

I get about 2 miles in before I hear a car following me.

I ignore it and hope they pass but they didn't, I run into the park next to me and quickly turn around to see two men getting out of the car

Fuck what do I do?!

I run away from the men but they continue to chase me.

I pull out my gun and point it at them.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I scream.

One of them pull out a shuriken and throw it at my arm, it cuts my arm and I drop the gun, they run towards me at full speed.

I take off running again and quickly dial Dean's number.

"Hey" I hear Dean say.

"Can you come pick me up, two men are chasing me, I'm at Oakwoord park" I say running, and almost out of breath.

"Yeah I'm on my way, stay on the phone with me until I get there he says" I can hear him walk out the door.

I run and avoid the men for about 20 minutes, but it felt like hours

Dean walks out of his car and quickly runs up to me.

"Hey girl" Dean says, he puts a hand on my shoulder and I watch the men begin to back off but they continue to follow us.

"Oh girl you ate with that outfit" Dean said in a girly voice.

"Thanks..." I say as we finally arrive at the Impala.

"Alright bandage yourself" he says as he hands me a first aid kit.

"They're still behind us" I whisper, he turns around and sees them.

"For gods sake.., HEY!" Dean yells.

The men stop.

"Leave her the fuck alone or your gonna have to deal with me!" Dean says.

The men scoff.

Dean quickly grabs a handgun and fires it at them almost hitting one of them.

They quickly take off running.

"Thank you" I say, he nods.

"Hey, uh, do you mind getting my gun, they made me drop it and it's still back there" I ask, he nods and leaves to get it.

When we get back to the hotel, I tell Dean I will repay him by cleaning out his car.

"You don't have to worry about it, just go inside and clean yourself up" he reassures me for the 5th time.

I nod and walk inside my hotel room, I lock the door take a shower.

I call Bobby after I my shower because I decided its time to talk about Sam and Dean.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" He asks

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask

"Tell you what?" He asks nervously, I think he knew what I was gonna ask next.

"That Sam and Dean are my brothers"

"I'm sorry, I promised and I don't like to break promises" He says.

"I just thought you would tell me sooner, but it's alright, anyways I gotta go Sam, Dean and I are going to kill some hellhounds and some demons" I say.

"Ok again I'm sorry for not telling you sooner" he says.

"Its alright, bye dad" I say while hanging up.

I hear someone knocking on my door so I go to open it.

"Hey Alex, me and Dean need to talk to you" Sam says.

"Sure?" I say.

Once I get into their room Dean is laying on the bed and I see Cass just standing there, staring blankly at me.

"So what's up?"  I ask.

"You remember how Max said 2 demons had specific colored eyes, purple and red, well we know the red eyed one and we found out who the purple eyed one is" Sam says.

"The red eyed one is Crowley 'the king of hell', and the purple eyes one...she's a witch, but we called Crowley and asked what was going on with those hellhounds and he says they escaped and they were tring to catch them" Sam says.

"So do we still get to kill them?, and how do you know Crowley?" I ask trying to avoid the witch thing.

"Uh yeah he said they won't listen to them so he said to kill them, and we had a lot of personal things happen because of Crowley" Sam says.

"Like what, if you don't mind me asking?"

"He tried to control Amara, he tricked me into getting the mark of Cain, he killed people we saved, and he also turned me into a demon, but hes not all bad, he has saved us several times" Dean says

"Jeez, you two are the longest hunters to live" I say

"Well I died several times, and Sam's died like 5 times" Dean says.

I look at him with wide eyes

"Alright it's time to discuss the purple eyed witch" Sam says skipping over the whole them dying several times part, and right to the part I was not excited to hear.

Hey its the author, this was actually a long chapter so I hope you liked it, I left you with a little bit if a mystery though most of your probably already can figure out who the purple eyed demon is.

Welp love y'all bye 💕

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