Chapter 1 part 2

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"I still have you, and that's all that matters, but what about my brothers?, how are they?" I ask, Bobby tries to look away from me but I looked into his eyes.

I could tell he knew who they were, it looked like he might even be close to them.

"As far as I know they are doing ok, but they don't know about you either Alex" Bobby said

~Deans POV~~

"Dean are you okay?" Sam asked looking at me in concern.

I was rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Look Sammy I don't know okay, I had a weird dream, just stop asking if I'm okay, I'm fine" I said as I tried to walk back to my room.

"Dude, you dreamed about us having a sister, why would I not be asking if your okay?" Sam asks me.

"Sam if we had a sister I think we would have known about it" I said angrily, it was just a dream.

"I am sure dad would have told us if we had any other siblings" I say

"Just like we knew about Adam?" Sam says sarcastically.

"just leave me..." Before I could finish my sentence Cas is standing in front of me blocking me from getting any further towards my room.

"You seriously called Cas, I already told you its not a big deal" I say

"Dean, let me search your head" Cas said, "maybe it wasn't a dream"

"Cas it was a dream don't make su..."

Before I could finish my sentence, Cas grabbed my head and started poking around through my memories with dad, I hid dark memories in the back of my head and hoped he wouldn't go that far.

Cas poked around my head for about 5 minutes, he didn't go through negative thoughts or memories thankfully, but he started to look at me concerned.

"See nothing there right, now let me leave" I said as I was about to get up.

Cas quickly pulled me back down.

"Your dream was real Dean, you have a sister"

Of course I didn't belive him at first but he looked me in the eyes which he could never do when he lies

"Son of a Bitch, you're not lying to me Cas are you?" I said as I kept eye contact with him

"Why would I lie to you about something like this dean" Cas says not breaking eye contact

He wasn't lying.

"How could dad have another child?, I mean he already has had Adam, me, and Sam" I said angrily, how many secret love affairs did he have?!.

"I don't know why your father would do this Dean, but I never really liked him anyways" Cas said as he slightly whispered the last part but I could still hear him.

"Either way, it looks like you have a sister".

Hey its the author, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, my phone doesn't automatically auto correct and I sometimes forget to type in a couple of words so just let me know if you need me to fix that. Also I am not really gonna add any specific events from supernatural because I feel as if that will be to much of a hassle going through old episodes I've already watched so yeah.

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