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Dean walks into the hotel room and slams the door behind him, Alex flinches and stares at Dean.

"Alex...are you okay?" Dean asks giving her the look.

"I..I think so..." Alex says, she stares at her hands, she felt different, how?, She hasn't figured that out yet.

"What do you mean you think so?, Alex you basically just exploded with energy" Dean says

"I know..." Alex said.

"Alex you said you heard voices, what were they saying?" Dean asks, he walks over to Alex's bed and sees her zoning out.

"Alex, please..." Dean says, his eyes tear up again and tears begin to fall down his face.

"I saw you wrist..." He whispers, Alex looks at him and backs up on the bed.

"Dean I.." she begins to say but Dean cuts her off.

"No Alex you promised you would stop, and you said you would never leave me, yet you tried to leave, or at least that's what I think happened..." Dean says, he can't find an emotion to focus on so he was angry and sad, while thoughts rushed through his head.

"Damnit Dean!, it wasn't me!, I actually fought the ghost for as long as I could! " Alex says as she begins to cry.

"Knock" "knock" "knock" "knock"

"Hey open up, what's going on?" Sam asks his voice is muffled through the door.

"I'm sorry, I promise it wasn't me, I promise I would never leave you" Alex says.

Dean walks over to the door and wipes his tears off of his face, he opens the door and Sam immediately could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong?, what happened?, why are you both upset?" Sam asks, he looks at Dean and sees that he is looking at the ground and shaking his head.

Dean walks to the kitchen area of the motel, he sits down and puts his head in his hands.

"Alex?, what the hell is going on?" Sam asks again.

"Sam..." Alex is at a loss for words as she tries to hold back tears.

"Yeah?" Sam asks, he looks confused and worried.

"Dean it wasn't me..."

"How am I supposed to believe you?, for christ sake you tried to kill yourself before!, Why wouldn't you do it now, Alex you literally blew up with energy!" Dean yells.

Sam's eyes go wide and look over to Alex, Alex is looking at the floor while tears fly down her face, she starts to breathe faster, and faster.

"Damnit!, I think shes having a panic attack!" Sam yells, they both rush over to her but can't seem to calm her down, her eyes glow red and she shakes.

"Damnit!, I think shes having a panic attack!" Sam yells, they both rush over to her but can't seem to calm her down, her eyes glow red and she shakes

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"Jack!?, get over here!, we need you!" Sam screams, Jack appears in the room and rushes to Alex.

He puts his fingers on her forehead and she falls asleep.

"What happened to her?" Jack asks.

After they get done explaining the boys all look extremely worried.

"Well then what the hell are we gonna do?, she's our baby sister after all" Sam says.

"The ghost had to have triggered something that made the stone overload with power and now Alex is like a walking beacon of power" Jack said

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean asks.

"I think what he's trying to say is Alex needs to learn how to control her energy before it takes her over" Sam says.

"Well who's supposed to teach her, none of us know what exactly we're dealing with and she's shown that she doesn't exactly like to be helped either" Dean says.

"I'll have to help her to the best of my ability" Jack said, the boys nod.

Time skip...

the next day the guys have a talk with Alex.

"How many times do I have to tell you, i don't know what happened" Alex mumbles through her blanket.

"We understand that Alex, but we need to make sure your okay" Sam says.

"Yes okay, I'm fine" Alex says.

"You sure?, Alex you told me you heard voices, what did they say?" Dean asks.

"Horrible things..., They told me to let the power consume me, they told me to hurt you" Alex says.

"Trust me Alex, I know your strong so if and when those voices come back, I need you to fight them, let them know that your in control" Dean says

Alex smiles.

"Thanks Dean, now when are we leaving?, I really don't want to stay in this shit hole another night" Alex said.

"Alright, just get a your stuff packed and let us get our stuff ready and then we can head out, okay?" Dean said, Alex nodded

"But if you guys don't mind, I'd like to be by myself for a while, I need to process what's going on" Alex says, the boys nod and Alex smiles appreciatively.

She nods and then leaves.

Hello it's the author, I hope you liked this chapter, I had to cut some things out but ultimately it should be about the same and before, I hope you all have a good day or night.

PS: if I made any spelling mistakes that you want me to fix just tell me.

Bye bye 💞

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