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"Alex?, what are you doing here?" I ask as I walk up to her.

"Dean?, did you follow me?, why are you here?" Alex asks.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay" i say, Alex just smiles at me

"I'm fine Dean" she says.

"Shit it's already 1 well I'm gonna get going, well be careful Alex" I say, she just nods.


》third person《

Dean wakes up and sees Alex in bed and he let's out a sigh of relief.

Dean groans as he gets up from the bed, he walks to the fridge and gets a water, he chugs half the bottle and lays back down.

He stares at the ceiling but then he hears a groan from Alex, she leans up and looks over to dean who she sees is staring at the ceiling.

"Morning Ass face" she says, Dean smiles at her.

"Morning sunshine" he says, he then leans back up and sees Alex making cereal but she also stares at the knives sitting on the counter.

"Uh, you alright there?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah I just zoned out" Alex says as she redirects her eyes to the cereal bowl.

"Anyways, what's Sam and Jack doing?" She asks, she wipes off the counter where she spilled Lucky charm's.

"They went to get more iron things and some salt" Dean says.

"Oh okay" she says as she stuffs her face.

She looks at him and then grabs her keys off the table.

"I'm gonna go get a couple disposable vapes, and before you say anything it's not as bad as smoking" she says, Dean grabs her arm.

"Can I come with you?, not to be mean or anything but I don't trust you by yourself especially with that mad hatters ghost crap" Dean says.

"Sorry, can't, got to go" Alex says as she slips out the door.

"Damnit kid..." Dean mumbles.

Alex gets in her car and drives to a random part of the woods, she gets out of her car and grabs something from her glove box.

Dean's phone starts to ring, its Sam.

"Hey, how's Alex?, is she doing okay?" Sam asks, Dean gulps and let's out a sigh.

"She left Sam, she asked for a cigarette and I think she knew I didn't have one so she left to go buy some vape thing" Dean says.

"Dean I told you not to let her leave, she's in the final hours of the ghost disease" Sam says, Deans breathing slows, be realized that he made a huge mistake.

"Look, we found the ghost and their burial sight just go try and track Alex while we go to burn the ghosts bones" Sam says.

Dean immediately hangs up the phone and leaves, he starts to track Alex's phone, he sees that it's in the middle of the forest, he quickly realizes what's happening and runs out of the impala to search for her.

"Get out of my head!" Alex screams as she hits her head

Alex...come on now...do it.

"Get out!" Alex screams hitting herself harder.

"What the?" Alex feels her phone buzz and she gets it out of her pocket, she sees that her device is being tracked and she quickly breaks her phone and runs to another part of the woods, she couldn't let Dean get hurt because of her.

"Alex?!" Dean screams through the forest, "please don't do this, me, Sam, Jack, and Cas all need you, please don't do this" he yells he hears movement near him and runs toward it

He finds Alex's phone, he sees footprints and follows them.

He sees Alex screaming at herself, her hands were glowing and she looked like she was gonna explode with energy.

"Jack we gotta hurry, Alex can hurt herself or anyone any second now" Sam says, he is extremely worried and doesn't know what is gonna happen.

"Grab the salt and lighter fluid I got to the bottom of the grave, I found the coffin" Jack said, he quickly breaks the coffin open and finds the bones of a young women.

"Alex..." Dean says, Alex quickly turns around and stares at Dean, her eyes are glowing red and she was crying.

"Dean stop...don't come any closer, they're so loud, they want me to hurt myself, they want me to hurt you..." Alex says as she suddenly flinches hard.

"Got it!, now hurry up and light the match" Sam says, Jack lights the match and throws it on the body, a fire erupts and the bones start to burn.

"Alex, please, Jack and Sam are about to burn the body just please come here" Dean says as he moves towards Alex.

"Dean run!, I don't know how much longer I can hold this!" Alex yells.

"I want to help you!" Dean yells back.

"Run!" Alex turns to face Dean, she flinches again and falls to the ground, a large burst of red energy erupts from her body.

"Run!" Alex turns to face Dean, she flinches again and falls to the ground, a large burst of red energy erupts from her body

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The energy blasts Dean back and he  falls to the ground, he quickly gets up despite the pain in his body.

"Alex?!, Alex are you okay?!" Dean yells, he sees her laying on the ground when she suddenly leans up

"Wh...what ha..happend?" Alex asks.

"A ghost I think" Dean said

"C...can we g..go home?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, let's go home" Dean says, he helps Alex up and notices new red lines on her wrist.

He looks at Alex with sad eyes, he wanted her to stop, but he assumed it was because of the mad hatters ghost disease.

When they both get back to the hotel, Sam helps Alex into the hotel room and walks back out to the impala where Dean is leaning on the car.

"Hey, what happened?" Sam asks.

"A lot Sammy..." Dean says

"Wanna elaborate?" Sam asks

"Maybe tomorrow, goodnight Sam" Dean says as he walks to his room.

Hey it's the author, I'm sorry that I haven't been as active as I should but I've just not been myself lately, but I'd rather get this finished while I still have interest.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me if I made any spelling mistakes and I'll fix them.

Bye bye 💕

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