Chapter 7, Brothers!!??

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~Deans POV~

Me and Sammy walk out of Max's room and see his mom slapping Alex.

Max's sister is trying to defend Alex and is trying to block her from getting slapped, but Alex is pushing her away.

"You're just here to fix my child" their mom says.

"Again for the 5th time!, There is no such thing as fixing somebody its helping them get through hard times" Alex says

Shelby is still trying to block Alex.

"Stop defending her or you will get slapped instead" Their mom says.

That's what ends up happening, her mom slaps her which makes Alex mad.

"You can slap me all you want but you leave her alone!" Alex says.

"Get out of my house!" The mom screams, this makes Alex's anger rise

I walk over to try and calm her down but suddenly the room begins to glow red and Alex's eyes glow a bright red.

I walk over to try and calm her down but suddenly the room begins to glow red and Alex's eyes glow a bright red

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Suddenly Max's mother faints.

Then Alex goes down but before she hits the ground Shelby catches her.

"I know you're hunters, but what the hell was that?!" Shelby asks, I look at her totally confused.

I pick up Alex and bring her to Shelby's room, she explains how she knew Alex and it doesn't surprise me.

I put Alex on the bed and look at Sam

"What should we do man?, she's clearly powerful and she's our sister" I say, I completely forgot Shelby was in the room.

I look over at her once I remember, she has a confused but sort of understanding look on her face.

"What do you mean?" she asks

"We found out a couple weeks ago, our dad had her with a witch" I say.

She looked astonished and concerned look on her face.

"What about my mother?, what did Alex do to her?" she asks.

"I think she just made her pass out but we'll see, for now while we have private time get your brother in here" Sam says, I knew where he was going.

Minutes later Shelby brings in Max who immediately asks what happened.

"He knows too" Shelby says.

We explain and then we see Alex waking up.

(Just for clarification Max is 13 and Shelby is 17)

~Alex's POV~

I wake up and see Sam and Dean talking to Max.

Are they talking about me? Why are they taking about a witch and their dad?

I see Dean look at me and then everyone else follows.

"Good you're awake" Dean says, I could tell her needed to get something off his chest.

"Do you need to tell me something?" I ask looking at him in the eye.

He looks away from me and turns to Sam who nods then to shelby who also nods.

"You're probably not gonna believe me, but......You're our sister" Dean says as he tries not to look at me.


This can't be true can it? How are sam and dean my brothers? How can this be possible? How did I not figure it out?

A million thoughts and questions rush through my head but I eventually snap back to reality.

"YOU'RE MY BROTHERS!?" I scream in disbelief.

"Yeah, our dad got a witch pregnant and I guess that's where you came from" Sam says.

"MY MOM IS A WITCH?!, Bobby said she was a hunter, why would Bobby lie to me?" I say trying to calm down.

"Well he lied, plus he doesn't even know who your mom is, dad never told him, he just described our mom" Dean says.

Could my mom still be alive? I thought.

"Max explain what monsters you're talking about" Dean says trying to get off the whole sister topic, I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.

"They were invisible, nobody else saw them but me they looked like huge wolves, then there were 4 people one with red eyes, 2 with black eyes, and another with purple eyes" Max says

I already knew the black eyes were demons, the one with red eyes was a crossroads demon, but I have never heard a creature who has purple eyes.

"They are demons, but I'm not sure about the purple eyed one" Dean says.

"Here is my number Max and here Shelby, call me if you have more info, we need to get going before your mom wakes up, and its getting late" I say handing them each a card with my number on it.

Shelby and Max give me a hug before we leave and they thank Sam and Dean for the help.

I walk outside and Dean looks up at the sky.

"Cas get down here for a sec" he says.

Castiel appears infront of us.

"What do you need?" He asks.

"I need you to erase someone's memory of us, especially of Alex" Dean says.

"What?, why?" Cas asks as he tilts his head and looks at me.

"Alex made her pass out, I'll explain later, just do this for me please" Dean said.

Cas nods and disappears.

Seconds later he reappears.

"Its done" he says.

"Thanks bud" Dean says.

"No problem" Castiel says, then he disappears.

Hey its the author, as you can see, Max and Shelby's mom is an asshole, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if there is any spelling mistakes let me know

💕 Bye

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