Chapter 9

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~third person~

"You're not gonna like this information Alex" Sam says.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"We think the witch is your mom" Dean says  with a blank face.

Alex freezes and her body becomes tense.

"And uhh, Crowley sent her to work with us" Sam says.

"Oh, okay..." Alex says.

Dean looks at her in the eyes, he could tell there was something off with her.

suddenly they all hear knocking on the door, Dean opens it, he finds a blonde women standing there.

"Winchester..., Crowley sent me, my name is Kate" the women says.

The boys all looked at each other, they all recognized the name, it was Alex's mom.

"Who is that?" Kate asks. "I didn't know there was gonna be a girl working with us"

"Names Alex, Alex Singer, or Winchester, but clearly my bio dad didnt want me, neither did my mom" Alex pauses and takes a breath.

"So hey mom, how ya been" Alex says, her eyes were full of hate.

"What?,.... your my daughter?" Kate asks.

"Can we just get this over with we need to get those hounds before they hurt someone else" Alex says, turning to look at Sam.

"Yeah sure" Sam says, they all begin to pack.

~Deans POV~

I could tell Alex didn't want her mom with us, but I felt like she was hiding something.

I see Alex leave to go back to her hotel room while me and Sam pack.

Cas left a couple minutes ago.

"Lets take Alex's car" I say not wanting to get baby all scratched up like last time.

"Sure" Sam says.

I leave our hotel to get Alex while Sam watches the witch.

"Yo" I say while knocking on Alex's door. "You almost ready to go?, oh and we are taking your car"

"Give me a sec!" She yells.

She walks out of her room in black Jean's with a white t-shirt, she also had a jacket over that with a gun holster on her belt and a dagger in her pocket.

"Alright let's go" She says.

Alex puts me in the front.

We arrive at the forest and I make Alex's mom give us demon sight so we could see the hell hounds.

"Alright, salt, angel blades, and the demon blade" Sam says.

"Oh, and Alex you can use your gun" I say.

"Who is she going with?" Alex asks, looking at Kate.

"If we split up we will cover more ground" Sam says, I look at him with the 'are you crazy' look.

But eventually we split up.

~Alex's POV~

I hear Dean and Sam fighting some hellhounds but I can't find any.

Suddenly I hear breathing behind me, I quickly turn around and just see a hellhound sitting behind me.

I looked at the way it was acting and I saw that it wasn't showing any signs of aggression towards me.

I reach my hand out and start to pet the hound.

Suddenly I see another hound about to attack me.

The first hound attacks the other one, basically saving me.

"Thanks buddy, you know what, I'm gonna keep you".

I heard the hound bark with approval.

"How about the name Marshall?" I ask.

The dog wines.

"Girl?" I ask

The dog barks.

"Okay than how about scar" I say, the hound barks again.

"Can you smell the other hounds?" I ask and she nods, leading me to a barn that has about 3 hounds sleeping.

"Are they dangerous?" I ask and she nods.

"Wake the fuck up bitches" I yell, they all wake up and get ready to attack.

I kill two of them and Scar kills the last one.

I turn around to see Sam and Dean yelling at me to kill the hound next to me.

I guard the dog and they look at me confused.

"She saved me, don't hurt her" I say.

"Hellhounds don't protect people Alex, they do the exact opposite" Dean says.

"Dean I don't think that's a hellhound" Sam says, Dean just rolls his eyes.

"Has anyone seen Kate?" I ask.

"Son of a Bitch, I told you splitting up wasn't a good idea" Dean says.

We all end up splitting up again to find Kate.

I hear talking so I investigate, I find Kate and a random demon talking.

"All he asks of you is to get the Guardian Hound, how hard is that to ask?!" The demon says.

"Its harder than it seems, the Winchesters probably killed it" Kate says.

"Its a Guardian Hound they can't die only the big man upstairs, and Nephilim can kill them" the demon says.

Scar growls, which causes the demon and Kate to look my way, I hear Kate let out a little chuckle.

I take off running while the demon runs after me.

A jolt of electricity went through me.

Scar: hello Alex I connected our brain waves so now you can hear me

Alex: how the hell?, Whatever, this demon is chasing us, i don't think we should talk

Scar: just use your powers

Alex: powers?, What are you talking about?

Scar: your mom's a witch Alex, a very powerful one at that, which means you have powers like a witch, just try and paralyzed him!

Alex: I'll try...

I stop running and turn around, I focus on the earth around me, suddenly my hands begin to glow red.

I make a ball of energy and hit the demon, yellow sparks come out of him and he drops to the ground.

I take a break, eventually I make it back to the car where Dean and Sam are with Kate.

Hey its the author, that was an interesting chapter and I right?, Well I hope y'all enjoyed and if I made any spelling mistakes please let me know love you ❤️

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