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After about 3 weeks of school Alex learns about the rest of the pack, she makes Stiles keep quiet about her self harm and she hasn't accomplished anything on the witch.

Alex walks around the school, she was skipping class.

She goes outside to the lacrosse field, she looks up and sees someone off in the distance, she walks towards the forest and finds a body hanging from a tree.

She immediately grabs her phone and calls Dean.

"Dean, I just found someone hanging from a tree, it looks like they were sacrificed, they have satanic symbols carved into them, I'm gonna call the police" Alex tells them.

"Okay but be careful" Dean tells her.

"I will" Alex says, she hangs up and calls 911

"911, what's your emergency?, do you need fire, police, or EMT?"

"There is a body hanging from a tree in the woods, I am at Beacon Hills Highschool" Alex says.

"Okay we are sending someone, I need you to go see if they have a pulse or if they're breathing" She says

"No, they don't " Alex says.

"Are they young, like could they be a highschool student or are they older?" She asks Alex.

"They look younger, like a highschooler" Alex says.

"Okay tell me exactly where you are and what you see around you"

"I'm in the lacrosse practice field and the school behind me" Alex tells her.

"Okay well stay on the phone with me until police get there" the operator tells her.

"Okay" Alex says, she takes pictures of the body and send pictures to Sam and Dean, she then deletes the photos and examines the body.

Alex hears sirens, she sees the back door of the school swing open, the Sheriff is the only one who has gotten there so far, he walks over to the gruesome scene.

"Behind you!" He yells, Alex quickly turns around and blocks a girls hand, she was about to stab her.

Alex holds the girls hand for as long as she can but she starts to loose strength.

"Not today" Alex says, her eyes glow red and she uses her magic to push the women away.

"Not today" Alex says, her eyes glow red and she uses her magic to push the women away

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She pushes the women to the ground and takes her blade.

"What the hell?!" The man says behind her.

"I finally made you reveal yourself!, what are you gonna do now?" The woman laughs.

"Just handcuff her!" Alex screams at the Sheriff

The Sheriff runs over and cuffs the women.

"nulla verba loqui" Alex says, the woman tries to yell but cant.

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