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*Stiles POV*

Scott tells me what happened with Alex and some guy in the locker room, he then explains that he saw Alex had self harm scars, he notices my change in breath.

"You already knew about it didn't you?" Scott asks, I nod slowly.

I ask the guy sitting next to Alex if he wanted to switch seats with me.

He agrees and I sit down, I look at Alex and she clearly was nervous

"You okay?" I ask her

"Stiles, he told you didn't he?" I

She says as she started to hyperventilate.

"Woah, you're okay, it's alright, I won't tell anyone I promise it's not my place" I say reassuringly.

"Mrs Winchester, are you okay?, you look like you're about to pass out" the teacher says.

I watched as Alex nodded her head slowly.

"Alex please tell me you didn't...." I say as I notice her pale color.

"I..I'm fine" she says, but she clearly wasn't.

I noticed as she began to shake her leg and try to focus on anything else.

I look over and see Alex falling to the ground, suddenly her chair slips out from under her and she hits the ground.

"Alex?, ALEX!?, Alex wake up please..., Alex!" I hear the teacher gasp when she noticed.

"Call an ambulance, she just passed out!" I say, the teacher nods.

About 10 minutes later EMT come into the room and push me away, now matter how hard they tried I kept coming back so they just dealt with it.

They pick her up and put her on a stretcher, they carry her out of the room and I try to follow but am blocked by someone in the hallway.

"Dad! Let me go with her!" I say pushing him but he doesn't move.

"Stiles, we'll make sure she's okay, I promise" dad says, I shake my head

"School is gonna end here soon now anyways, they can't continue school until they clean this up so please dad, please let me go" I beg.

"Fine" dad says, I thank him and leave.

"I'm coming too" Scott says, i nod and we start to drive to the hospital, about thirty minutes into the drive, Scott's mom calls him.

"Hey mom"

"What do you mean she left?, she has no one to drive her anywhere"

"Did you find out what was wrong with her?, oh my god, okay well I'm on my way"

"What?, what happened?" I say, I could tell it was about Alex.

"Alex dissapeared from the hospital, why didn't you tell me why she passed out, dude we have to tell her brothers"  Scott tells me.

"Not yet" I say.

"It has gone on long enough stiles, we are telling them" Scott said.

"But she wasn't bleeding or anything.." I say as I remember her arm was clean.

"We're gonna go to the hospital, mom's gonna give me Alex's gown that she wore and were gonna catch her scent and find her" Scott says, I agree with him and speed up.

Once we get to there Melissa hands us Alex's robe and Scott tells me where to drive.

We arrived at the Argent's house and exchange confused looks.

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