Chapter 15

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~third person~

Alex gets up and decides to leave the bunker, Dean wakes up to the noise of the bunker door closing so he gets up and checks if someone left.

He sees that Alex left but he just lets it go.

Alex goes outside the bunker and just sits on the ground and thinks about what she did to the man at the bar.

About an hour later Dean decides that it was time to find Alex and see what she was doing.

Alex gets up and walks to a nearby park, she sits on the bench and looks at her hands.

"I hate this, why is this happening to me?, Why can't I just be normal?!" Alex yells, a trashcan next to her flies across the empty park.

Alex pulls out one of her karambits and looks at herself through it, she then notices Dean was standing behind her, he saw the whole thing, her whole breakdown.

She tears up and then disappears and reappears in the training room.

"I didn't have to leave Dean there..." Alex says, her voice was full of regret and hate towards herself.

She starts to punch the wall repeatedly, causing her hand to bleed, tears begin to roll down her cheeks, she punches the punching bag as hard as she could, it falls off of its chain and the chain cuts Alex's hand.

"Fuck" she says as she holds her hand tight, she grabs an ace bandage and wraps her hand but leaves her knuckles bleeding.

"Alex?" Jack says in a sleepy voice.

"Alex what happened?, you're bleeding" he says as he walks up to her, he reaches out to grab her hand but she pulls away.

"I'm fine Jack, I just got a little angry".

"And like I always tell Cas I want to heal naturally" she says.

Jack looks at her with concern, Alex looks away and he sighs.

"Alright" Jack says as he leaves.

Alex locks the door and starts to cry, she felt bad for lying to everyone but she hated trusting people.

"Hey, did Alex come back here?" Dean asks walking through the bunker door.

"Yeah, she is in the training room, Dean I don't think she's okay, she's acting weird" Jack says.

"Yeah I know she kept on asking why this was all happening to her and then she sent a trashcan flying across a park, I think she saw me through her blade, then she disappeared" he says.

"What are you two talking about?" Sam asks, walking into the room along side Cas.

"We both think Alex is hurting, we think she is going through something emotionally, that she won't be able to go through alone" Jack says.

"I think its about to turn into a physical problem too, when I saw her in the training room she had one hand wrapped in a ace bandage and the other hand, her knuckles were bleeding from punching the wall" Jack says.

They all look at each other and walk to the training room quickly, they see that the door is locked, finally when Sam gets it open they find a broken punching bag, a blood stained wall, and Alex in a corner crying.

Alex sees the boys enter the room and quickly wipes her tears.

"Alex, are you okay?" Cas asks.

"To be completely honest with you no, I am not okay"

There is a brief moment of silence before Jack speaks up, "Alex, you realise you can talk to us right?"

"I know, I just choose not too, I hate trusting people" Alex says.

"And before you ask, I don't wanna be healed".

Dean walks towards Alex, causing her to get scared, she put her hands in a blocking motion.

"Alex I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna take a look at your hands" Dean says, his voice was calming, Alex looked at him and nodded

Dean unwraps the ace bandage stares at the cut on her hand which has already began to heal, he then looks at her busted up knuckles which are also starting to heal.

"Your powers are making your wounds heal faster, that stone must have some kind of healing agencies as well, but just because the outsides healing doesn't mean the inside is" Dean says as he looks Alex in the eyes.

"I'm fine, now leave me alone" Alex says getting up.

"Alex you can't keep running from your problems" Dean says.

"Watch me" Alex says walking to her room.

Alex opens her door and finds a random girl sitting on her bed, the girl was dark skinned, had brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes, she looked gorgeous.

Alex opens her door and finds a random girl sitting on her bed, the girl was dark skinned, had brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes, she looked gorgeous

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"Who the hell are you?" Alex says looking at the girl.

"It's me Alex, it's Scar, I should've mentioned this before but we hounds are shape shifters as well" Scar says.

"Well can you leave because right now I wanna be alone" Alex says.

"Sure, but don't do anything stupid" Scar  says.

Hey, it's the author, I apologize for any spelling mistakes or anything like that, I can relate to Alex in a way, I don't want to burden people with my issues so I hate trusting people with them.

Anyways I have to go and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, love y'all 💞

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