Chapter 21

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Cas looks at Dean confused because he looks angry at Jack which he usually never is at least not when Cas is around.

"So what'd they tell you or what did you see?" Dean asks, he clearly wants to say something different but he doesn't.

"Uh, well definitely a shifter, eyes glowed on security cams" Cas says.

"Alright is there anything tying the victims together like their genders or relationships, something?" Dean asks, he wants to get this hunt over with.

"They are all related to a guy named Gabriel Dutch who apparently was convicted of several crimes so far as murder that he swears he didn't do but almost all of his relatives claimed he did them" Cas says.

"So what?, this guy wants to send them all to jail because they made him go to jail?" Dean asks.

"I guess, but we should go, the next victim is Victoria Dutch, his older sister, she claimed he robbed a man" Cas says

"Alright where does she work?"

They all go to a clothing/furniture store, Dean and Cas act like technicians for the security cams and Alex and Jack act like normal shoppers.

About two hours later they finally see the shifter on camera's, dean gets flashbacks from times he and sam handled shifters and gets bad memories.

"Alright shifter going to the counter get ready" Dean says into an earpiece.

"GIVE ME THE MONEY FROM THE REGISTER, NOW!!" A girl yells as she points a gun at the cashier.

"Hey stop, this isn't what you wanna do" an old woman says, she was behind the shifter.

The shifter quickly turns around and fires a bullet, suddenly the bullet changes direction from a blast of red energy


"Don't shoot!" Alex yells.

"What the hell is she doing?!" Dean yells into the ear piece.

"Put the gun down" Jack says, he holds a gun filled with silver and angel killing bullets in his hand.

"Fucking hunters I swear" the shifter grunts but slowly puts down the gun and then kicks it away and turn around to face Jack.

Dean and Cas walk out of the back room where the security cameras were, they distract Jack giving the shifter a chance to grab their gun and shoot Jack.

Jack falls to the ground bleeding out from his stomach.

"You hunters always underestimate us, but see we are just as smart but just different" the shifter says, they then point their gun at Alex.

"Now I know you probably also got silver bullets and a gun or just something silver so c'mon throw it over"  they say to Cas and Dean

They throw over their weapons and stare at Jack, they see the blood gushing from Jack stomach, then they look at Alex who is being held at gunpoint.

"Just let me leave and I will let her live" the shifter says.

"Trust me, we will find you, and then we will kill you, you probably don't even know who you're dealing with" Alex says as she chuckles.

"Alex stop, go, just go, don't hurt her and we'll leave you alone" Dean says.

"Good choice" the shifter says, they then shoot close towards all 3 of them and leaves.

"Cas hurry, please heal him" Dean says as he runs over to Jack.

Cas runs over to him and heals him.

"Thank you" Jack says.

"You seriously could've gotten yourself killed Alex" Dean yells.

"I was trying to buy time okay, now I got a location spell on them you're welcome" she says.

"They're going to the sewers, god that's so gross"  Alex says

They get in the car and drive to a sewer entrance, they reach the area where they find all if the old gross flesh that's left from the bodies the shifter has transformed into.

Alex directs them to where her spell said the shifter would be.

Sure enough they find the shifter but they have the original victim (Victoria Dutch) sitting upright in a chair chained up.

She had blood and cuts all over her arms, legs, face, and stomach.

"Fucking hunters!, man I swear they always gotta ruin my fun, they didn't even let me finish accusing you" the shifter says, they held a knife and kept making small cuts all over the woman's body, making her scream.

"Heh, get this, one of them was like, oh you don't know who you're messing with" he mocks Alex's voice in a high pitch tone.

"Y'know accusing me of something you did was wrong of you" he says.

"I thought it was a prank dad said it was only gonna be a prank, I didn't know!" she screams, she tries to brake free of the chains but can't.

"I've had enough of this" Alex whispered.

"Alex n.." Cas tries to grab her but doesn't, Alex runs towards the shifter and stabs them with a Karambit.

"Told you I'd find you bitch" she says.

You could hear the sizzling of flesh on the Shapeshifters back and they drop their blade.

The shifter lunges at Alex and pushes her into a wall, Alex punches the shifter multiple times and sends it flying back with an energy blast.

"Go, Run, and dont mention this to anyone" Jack says while untying the woman

"Hey douchebag" Dean says, he then stabs the shifter in the stomach then Cas finishes off the shifter with a shot to the head and heart.

"You alright kid?" Dean asks, offering to help Alex up.

"Yeah I'm alright" Alex says, she grabs dean's hand but slips, he suddenly grabs her wrist and pulls her up making her wince in pain.

"You alright did they cut you or something?" Dean asks.

"No, I'm good, I just landed wrong" Alex says.

Jack looks at Alex.

"Are you sure you're okay Alex?" Jack asks, Alex just nods.

"Yeah I'm good" she says

"Okay let's go" Cas says.

Alex pushes through the pain and walks back to the car.

They get back to their hotel and all go to their separate rooms.

Hey it's the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I don't really have anything else to say.

I love y'all, bye 💕

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