Chapter 16

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Contains graphic mention of sh and suicidal thoughts.

~third person~

Alex closes and locks her door, she grabs her alcohol and starts to over think and drink.

Just do it, your a burden to then anyway

I can't do it

Do it

I won't do it

Kill yourself!!

"NO!" Alex screams as she throws a bottle across the room.

Your pathetic, worthless, nothing...

"I know..." Alex sighs, she doesn't even notice that she got up and was now sitting on her bed holding a razor to her thigh.

Tears clouded her vision as she slid the cold metal against her skin.

Dean sits in his room debating if it's the right decision to leave Alex alone by herself, but eventually decides that it was best to leave her alone right now.

In the library, Sam talks with Cas on how they should deal with the situation, how they should deal with Alex's self destructive behavior.

Jack decides to clean up the mess in the training room, he thinks about how he could help Alex, he wondered why she felt so little about herself.

Scar walks to the kitchen and starts to rummage through the cabinets and fridge to try and find something to eat.

"Who are you, how did you get in here?" Sam yells at the unknown girl.

"Calm down pretty boy, it's me, Scar, I just changed my form" she says as she turns around.

"Why aren't you with Alex?" Cas asks as he enters the room, he must've heard Sam.

"She wants some personal space and I think she needs some time alone" Scar says, her voice was calming but the boys were still concerned.

Sam and Cas just stare at her, but eventually just nod.

Alex sits in her room and continues to hurt herself, her thoughts getting the better of her, she eventually looks at the damage she did to her forearms and her thighs and pours the rest of the alcohol she had onto them.

She hisses at the sting of the alcohol on her cuts but accepts the pain, she just lays there and cries.

Jack had enough time to think and decided to finally check up on Alex, he needed to see if she was gonna be okay.

Who am I kidding, she probably doesn't want to look at me right now? Jack thought, but he still walks towards Alex's room, once he was standing outside the door he heard muffled cries and sniffles.

He cracks the door and sees Alex's back facing him, she was talking to herself and had a box on her bed.

No....she wouldn't... Jack hoped that what he thought was wrong.

"Why did I have to be born?, I am just a burden to everyone" she says, her voice breaking as she sobs.

Jack can see Alex holding something in her hand, something that the little box was full of, razor blades.

She wouldn't, would she?, Oh my god, Alex why?, Why would she do this to herself? Jack thought.

He saw Alex shift on the bed, he took this as his que to leave.

I'll give it time, I might be wrong Jack hoped, prayed that he was wrong.

A week passes by and Alex has only come out of her room twice, and that was only to get water.

Jack continues to worry, he should have just talked to her instead of trusting that it would get better, he decides now that he was gonna try and talk to her.

Dean walks to Alex's room and knocks on her door, no response.

"Alex?..." He pleaded.

Jack walked down the hallway to Alex's room, he saw Dean trying to talk to Alex but there was no response.

"Shit.." Jack cursed at himself.

"Alex, it's me, it's Jack, can you talk to me please?" I ask, I heard the floorboards creek and the door cracks open.

"Sorry I've been avoiding all of you, I realize now that it was a selfish thing to do, I never meant to hurt anyone or make them worry about me, I'm sorry if I did" Alex said as she opened the door fully, she wore a red sweater and black leggings.

"Of course we forgive you alex, we just want you to come out of your room and talk to us, next time something happens, please just talk to us" Dean says.

Alex nodded and Dean walked her to the library to see Sam and Cas, they were talking about a case but as soon as Alex walked into the room they stopped talking.

They hug Alex tightly.

"Don't scare us like that" Sam said with a sigh.

"Sorry" Alex said

Jack looked at Alex and saw her bloodshot eyes, he noticed that she lost weight and she clearly hadn't eaten, his eyes then went to her wrist, she had been hurting herself and nobody seemed to notice.

", Jack?" The sudden mention of his name made him flinch, he looked up and saw everyone staring at him.

"You okay?" Sam asked.

Jack looked back at Alex who clearly noticed the boy staring at her arms, she tugged at her sleeves and had a pleading look in her eyes.

"Uh yeah, sorry, I spaced out" he said.

The other boys nodded.

"Sorry I have to use the bathroom" Jack said, he left the room and went to the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and splashed water on his face.

"Don't say anything until you find out the truth Jack.." he whispered to himself, he then heard knocking on the door.

He opened it and saw Alex standing there, almost looking terrified.

She pushed her way into the bathroom and looked Jack in the eyes.

"Why were you looking at me like that?" Alex asked.

Hey it's the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had to rewrite half of it but I enjoy it a lot better than the previous version of it.

If I made any spelling mistakes which I'm sure I did, let me know, anyways I love y'all, bye, 💞

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