Chapter 5

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~Alex's POV~

⚠️TW SH⚠️

I walk to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet, I look at the scars covering my thighs and try to convince myself I didn't do it, try to convince myself that they aren't there, but they are, and their not going away.

I hear someone enter my room, so I quickly lock the bathroom door.

"Alexandra?" It's Castiel, what does he want?

"I'm changing, what do you need?" I ask trying to find a pair of pants to put on.

"Dean wanted me to check up on you" he says "I'll leave so you can finish changing"

I hear the door close so I peek my head out and see that Cas is gone

I grab a pair of black jeans, and a red sweatshirt.

I walk out to the kitchen and grab myself a bag of chips.

After I sat and ate for a while I pull out my phone and text Bobby

Alex: hey, I just wanted to let you know I am okay, I have had a rough past couple of days. I'm okay though and I'm staying at Sam and Deans bunker or whatever.

Bobby: good to know you're okay and I understand. You can stay at the bunker if you like it better haha, I'm going on a hunt so I'll text you later.

I put my phone back down to see Cas in front of me.

I slightly jump, "Cas don't do that" I say

"I sense you're hurt" he says as he tilts his head, I see his eyes go to my sleeves and my pants, shit.

"I'm fine, just a couple of scratches from a werewolf hunt, and I'd like to heal normally" I lie I knew that the cuts on my arms were from the bar fight, and some self inflicted.

Castiel doesn't respond he just stares, I roll my eyes.

I walk back to my room and lock the door, I grab my opened bottle of whiskey and start to drink, trying to drown out what happened.

⚠️Sh depicted ⚠️

I look at the desk next to me debating whether i should do it or not.

I listen to the voices in my head and grab the box of blades I hid in the drawer, I carefully grab one of the silver blades and pull upmy sleeve.

I hover the blade over my wrist leaving a tiny gap, I let tears roll down my face as I close the gap and drag the sliver across my wrist creating  crimson red liquid.

~Castiels POV~

Alex was hiding something from me but I let it slide, its not like she could trust me that fast.

I am still trying to figure out who Alex's mom is I have narrowed it down to 3 women.

They are all witches, who were apparently very strong with magic.

I don't think Alex knows her mother was a witch but I didn't expect her to, Bobby has kept her parents a secret.

I hear Sam and Dean talking about Alex in the next room so I go to see what they are talking about.

"Well who do you think is her mom?" Sam asks, I guess he finally believes Alex is related to him and Dean.

"I don't have a clue but it doesn't really matter" Dean says, he notices me enter the room and I see him tense up.

Why would he tense up around me?

"Yes it is, I think her mother was a powerful witch" I say, I can feel the energy in the room shift.

"Like a natural born witch, how powerful are we talking?" Dean asks.

"I don't know exactly but either way she doesn't know" I say trying to calm Dean down.

"So could she have powers like a witch?" Sam asks, I could tell he didn't really care, he just wanted to know the answer to his questions.

"Yes, but she has yet to unlock them and or discover them" I say, I look over at Dean and he is starting to calm down.

"Where is Alex anyways?" Dean asks

"I'm pretty sure she went back to her room, she doesn't seem to trust any of us entirely yet" I say.

"Okay, well it is gonna take time for her to get used to us, especially because of what she's going through" Dean says, he has a hint of sadness in his voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask, I don't entirely understand human emotions yet.

"She is blaming herself for the death of kids she couldn't save, I call it phase one of being a hunter" Dean says.

Now I feel bad for her, now she is really not gonna trust me for a long time.

Hey its the author, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, my phone doesn't automatically auto correct and I sometimes forget to type in a couple of words so just let me know if you need me to fix that.

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