Chapter 23

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Sam picks up Alex's body, he quickly carries her to the angels outside the door.

"Oh my god..." Cas backs up and looks like he was gonna be sick.

"P..please, help h..her" Sam cries.

Scar kneels down and checks for a pulse, there is one, a very weak one.

"Jack help me with this, she's about to die!" Scar yells.

Jack runs over to Alex and puts his hands over her wrists, Scar does the same and they begin to heal her.

"There....there's something else healing's the stone" Scar said, the boys clearly didn't care right now, they only cared if Alex was okay.

"I can't help but feel like this is my fault..." Dean said.

"It's all of our faults, especially mine, I think I have something I need to tell you" Jack said, everyone looks at him.

"Alex...she was....she was raped..., That's the memory I saw when I went through her head, she was raped by two sirens when she went on her first case alone..." Jack says, Deans eyes widen and he feels himself break down.

"Why...why didn't she say anything..." Sam says with more tears flowing down his face

Dean falls to the ground and begins to shake.

"Why her..." Dean whispers.

Scar checks for a pulse again and Alex's pulse was still slow but faster than last time, she was gonna heal up and she wasn't gonna die.

"She'll be okay, we just need to let her get some rest' Scar said.

Everyone nods and they decide to take turns watching after Alex, they let dean watch her first

Two hours later, Alex woke up, she saw Dean sitting in a chair, his hands were covering his face and he was crying.

"Dean...." Alex says in a weak voice, her body was still weak and in the healing process.

"Please...., please never do that to yourself again, Alex....why didn't you just talk to us?" Dean asks.

"Is anyone mad at me?" Alex asks, avoiding dean's question.

"No, why would anyone be mad at you?, We just want to help you" Dean says.

She gets up off of the bed, walks over to Dean, and gives him a tight hug, she whispers something into his ear that made him smile.

"I promise i won't try and leave you again, and I'll try and stop" she says.

They hug again and walk out to the kitchen and see Sam.

"Alex..." sam couldn't finish saying anything before he started crying.

Alex ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"My intention was to never hurt anyone, I just wanted to hurt myself, I'm so sorry Sam, I'm so sorry" Alex cries into his shoulder.

"Its okay Alex, I'm just disappointed that you didn't talk to us and tell us what you were going through" Sam says, Alex let's go of him and nods.

"Cas and Jack are in Jack's room, go talk to them" Alex nods and starts walking there, she stops outside Jack's door when she hears them talking.

"It okay jack its not your fault" Cas says.

"I shouldn't have said anything, I thought she was still cutting, this is all my fault" Jack said, he couldn't stop crying and his face was buried in Castiels chest.

"Please don't blame yourself for something that I did, Jack it's not your fault, I did it to myself" Alex says, Jack looks up and sees Alex standing in his doorway, he gets up and rushes over to her and gives her a big hug.

"I'm so sorry Alex, I'm so sorry" Jack said.

"Jack you didn't do anything..." Alex said.

"I did....I told them..., I broke my promise when you didn't break yours.." He said.

"I know you did but now it's okay now" Alex said.

"I told them....about what happened with the sirens...Alex I'm so sorry" Alex freezes in place, her vision blurs and she begins to shake.

"Alex I'm so sorry that happened to you, I promise that it'll never happen again, I'll make sure of that" Cas said, Alex tries to calm herself down and does a breathing exercise.

"Thanks, but uhh I'ma go make me some food, I'm kinda hungry" Alex said, Jack and Cas nod and watch her leave.

With dean.

Dean lays on his bed with his eyes closed trying to get sleep but he can't, the memory of seeing Alex in that tub flashes through his mind every time he closes his eyes.

He lays up in his bed and wipes his face, he gets up and decides to go and get food.

As Dean is walking down the hallway towards the kitchen Cas finds him.

"Babe?, Oh my gosh, you look pale, and you have bags under your eyes, Hun you need sleep" Cas says turning Dean around.

"Cas, I tried too but I can't, I keep seeing her in that tub, every time I close my eyes" Dean said, he sounded tired and he looked tired, his eyes kept closing and opening slowly.

"Dean your body is about to shut down, your eyes keep closing and you're clearly getting weaker" Cas says, he looks at Dean and sees that he is slowly collapsing.

"Babe?!" Cas yells, he catches Dean and teleports them to his room, he lays Dean down gently.

Castiels room looks the sam as everyone else's except Alex's of course, he writes a note and lays it down on the bedside.

to Dean,

You need some sleep so please get some, I know it might be hard but your body is just gonna keep shutting off if you try and get up.

Love you honey

Sincerely your boyfriend Cas

Hey it's the author, I don't know about this chapter, it certainly wasn't my best but also not my worst, is dean gonna be okay?, is jack gonna still blame himself?, how many more times are they gonna have to heal Alex?, find out in the next chapter

I love y'all, bye 💞

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