Chapter 2, The hunt part 2

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~third person~

Alex wakes up in a basement tied to a support beam, her head is pounding, she tries to untie the rope but is unsuccessful

"Look who is awake" Alex recognized the voice, but didn't know who it was.

Alex stands up and sees the outline of boy in front of her.

"Where the hell am I?!, and what did you do to me?!" Alex says angrily, still trying to untie her ropes.

"You do not have to be scared of us Alex, we just wanna make your dreams come true" Alex hears someone else say, she finally realized who the boy was and guessed on the other voice.

It was Jacob and Wendy from the bar.

"Oh, so I'm not supposed to be scared of someone who literally drugged and kidnapped me?" Alex says sarcastically, she was clearly struggling trying to untie the ropes.

"You can choose to get out of here, or stay with us and we will make what you want to happen, well happen" Jacob says, his voice was laced with temptation.

"" Alex says, she couldn't move, she knew they wouldn't let her leave, she then realized what they were.


Alex tries to figure out how to break their trance until she feels someone untie the ropes attaching her to the support beam.

Wendy walks out from behind Alex, a huge grin on her face.

"You want to play like that?, Your ours now" she says as she laughs, Alex tries to run but her body is stuck in place.


She feels like was paralyzed, she couldn't move, her breathing was short and she felt herself shaking, that clearly just amused the sirens more.

Wendy walks up to Alex and grabs her breasts while kissing Alex's neck, Alex sees Jacob begin to walk toward her with a smirk.

"Stop!!, No please!" Alex screams as she knew what was about to happen.

Jacob began to unbutton Alex's pants as Alex tried to move, tried to do something, but the sirens trance was too strong, they had total control over her.

Alex sees Jacob begin to unbutton his pants, she begins to cry begging for help but she knew nobody could hear her, she couldn't move, couldn't fight back, couldn't do anything.

He took her to a room with a bed and tied her down even though she couldn't move anyway, he took off all her clothing one by one.

After Jacob was done the other siren took a turn, she touched Alex everywhere leaving her markings all over Alex as she cried harder, squeezing her eyes shut, screaming for help, trying to break free.

After about 30 minutes of Wendy and Jacob torturing her and taking turns on her, they walked out of the room for a minute and talked.

"She won't shut up, give her more of your venom to shut her up and maybe to actually have full control of her and make this even more fun" Wendy said.

As they were talking alex took the opportunity to cut the ropes and hide behind the door, when the sirens came back they noticed the broken restraints and saw Alex rush out the door, running upstairs and out the front door, she ran a random direction and eventually saw lights.

She quickly found the bar, gets in her car, and drives back to her hotel, she pulls on a oversized hoodie she has trying to not crash her car on the way from how much pain she was in.

Alex gets back to the hotel and finds Lilly sleeping, Alex quickly grabs her gun and a bronze dagger, she cuts her hand and covers the dagger in her blood.

She goes to the bathroom, locks the door, takes off the hoodie, and sees her hair all messed up and lipstick marks all over her face, she looks at the bruised that now covered her body as well as the hickeys, bite marks, burn marks, and other things.

She looks down and sees white crust on her inner thighs as well as dried blood that was still dripping and cries

She cries as she gets into the shower and began scrubbing herself as hard as she could with as hot as the water would go until she felt like she was the slightest bit clean, but she knew she would never feel clean again, at least not fully clean.

She got dressed in a baggy long sleeve shirt a hoodie, and baggy sweatpants that she Knotted three times.

She drives back to the house and quickly but quietly goes down to the basement, she was ready to kill them, torture them, beat them senseless until they were dead.

She sees the two sirens fighting, they have yet another person there but this time she knows them personally.

"Do you think he can break the trance like the other one?" Wendy asks tying up Sam.

Damnit why is he here for Alex thought as she hid behind the stair case.

"Let me go" Sam said as he clenched his teeth, he was clearly trying to get out.

Alex suddenly feels someone next to her and turns around quickly holding the dagger to their throat as she stares horrified, instead of being met with a stranger she saw Dean with another person who she doesn't recognize.

"Shhhh..." Dean says as he put his finger to his lips.

"How do you expect to kill them when you don't have a dagger with the blood of someone who they affected?"  Dean says in a smartass tone.

Alex just shows him the dagger and Dean shuts up.

Alex angrily walks out from under the stairs.

Sam notices Alex before the sirens do, so Alex hushes Sam.

"I hope you rot in hell.." Alex said angrily, the two sirens turn around and looked at Alex confused, they see the blade in her hand and their eyes instantly change to worried and scared looks.

Alex quickly stabs Jacob in the stomach first.

"Your next bitch" Alex said, pure hatred laced her words.

Wendy tried to run off but Dean grabs her and holds her hands behind her back.

"Sorry pretty lady your not going anywhere" he says, he looks at Alex and sees the pain and hatred in her eyes.

Alex stabs the other siren, then watches the man she does not know untie Sam.

"Did they get to you?" Dean asks Sam, Sam shakes his head and then they all look at Alex confused and concerned.

Hey, it's the author, I warned you that the chapter was triggering, if I made any spelling mistakes let me know and I'll change them.

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