Chapter 4 part 2

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~Alex's POV~

Dean barged in my room and closed the door behind him.

"You couldn't save one could you" he says, I knew he wasnt gonna leave until I talked so...I talked.

"It was a 5 year old kid, along with his 9 year old brother, they died by a shapeshifter that looked like their mother, I didn't even realize till I looked back at a security tape of them, and then there was a demon that killed a kid and I....if I had just gotten there faster, realized the clues quicker" I said trying not to tear up.

"You know it's not your fault, the shifter and demon killed them not you" Dean says, trying to comfort me.

It didnt work, but I acted as if it did, I faked a smile and he smiled back.

"Wanna come with me?, our bunker is not that far from here" Dean asks.

"I can't I'm not sober" I said as I fake a laugh, I knew I could drive I just didn't want to go with Dean.

"I'll stay here with you, tomorrow we will go to the bunker" Dean says.

"I'll sleep on the recliner, you can sleep on the bed" I say, he was so stubborn.

He eventually agreed and slept on the bed.

I wake up a couple times at night because of a reacuring nightmare.

The kids faces they...they were filled with fear and they begged for help.

Then they...they get stabbed, right through the chest, the blood curdling screams filled my head.

I stay up the rest of the night and when Dean wakes up I fake asleep.

I hear Dean on the phone with Sam and someone named Cas.

"We don't know yet Cas, and Sam before you say some smart remark she is coming" Dean then hangs up and looks at me.

I am pretending to sleep so he "wakes" me up.

"Yo get ready we gotta get going"

"Ugh, fine..." I say while getting up.

I pack my bag and before walking out the door I grab my whiskey and vodka bottles and hide them in my bag.

It takes about 4 hours to get to this so called bunker so I just follow Dean in my Charger.

Once we arrive I get properly introduced to Cas, and then they tell me he is an angel, of course I didn't believe him at first, I mean...., if there was a heaven and a god, why would he make earth suffer like this, but Cas showed me his wings and I finally believed him.

Dean brings me to one of the many rooms in the bunker and tells me I'll stay in this room until I decide to leave.

I quickly get settled and hide my alcohol.

I get changed and go out to what looks like their kitchen, and grab a bottle of water.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask Sam, he ignores me and continues to stare at me.

I just walk away back to my room and decide to take a nap.

~Sam's POV~

Cas and Dean recently told me about Alex potentially being our sister, I didn't belive them at first but she has good hunting skills like dad, and she looks like Dean.

She had brown hair, defined eyebrows, hazel green eyes, and she even deals with hard times like dean.

She had brown hair, defined eyebrows, hazel green eyes, and she even deals with hard times like dean

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I quickly snap myself back to reality and realize Alex saw me staring at her.

"Sammy we need to talk" Dean says as he walks into the kitchen.

We walk to the library area and discuss the Alex situation.

"I believe you now Dean, she looks just like you, and on top of that she's a talented hunter" I say.

"That's good but I was talking about her mental state" Dean says while he sits down.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She is going through the first phase of hunting, she didn't save 2 kids and she is blaming herself, causing pent up anger and sadness" Dean says in a concerned manner

"Dean, how did you deal with it?, knowing you couldn't save those people?, you two think alike so whatever worked for you would work for her" I ask.

"I never did, I acted like I did Sammy, that is why I'm asking you" Dean says trying not to look at my face, I know he didn't want to tell me.

"Well I dealt with it by realizing there is nothing I can do to bring them back" I say looking at him concerned.

Hey its the author, I apologize for any spelling mistakes, my phone doesn't automatically auto correct and I sometimes forget to type in a couple of words so just let me know if you need me to fix that. Also I am not really gonna add any specific events from supernatural because I feel as if that will be to much of a hassle going through old episodes I've already watched so yeah.

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