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Years later Dean and Sam left me in Beacon Hills, they come to visit sometimes, I am now 21 and Stiles is 22, technically I'm still older but I stopped mentioning that years ago, me and Stiles have 2 kids, Lucid is still here but I managed to separate us years ago, she is now the aunt of my kids.

My baby girl Scarlett is 2 years old, and her baby brother Leo is 1 year and 2 months, when they get older I will tell them about the supernatural, I won't make them hunters though, me and Stiles have agreed to just let them know how to defend themselves, we don't know if our kids are witches yet but they more than likely will be.

I now have a pack of my own, Ivy and Malia have joined my pack as well as other creatures I've met, my pack now consists of twelve people

Me, Stiles, Ivy, Malia, Sandy, Fiona, Cameron, Casey, Jaden, Nelson,Paris, and Everett.

Ivy, Casey, and Nelson (werewolves)

Sandy and Fiona (an Air and Fire Kitsune)

Cameron (banshee)

Jaden (phoenix)

Paris (siren)

Malia and Everett (werecyote)

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