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*lucids POV*

Alex's brothers left but their stupid friends have to watch me.

"Bye, I'm going to school" I yell, they nod and I grab Alex's keys, I head over to the school and meet Void down in the basement.

"Void, what are you gonna do, their gonna eventually find you" I tell him.

"Oh I know, their about to come running in the room, so I suggest you leave and act like you weren't here, then come back" he tells me.

"Okay" I say I run into a room away from there and about 2 minutes later I see Scott and the two omega brothers run down into the basement.

My brother turns around and holds a glowing stick in his hand.

"Okay I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me, i swear to god its me" Void tells them.

The brothers start growling and sprint towards my brother, I know Void is more powerful than them, but the body he's possessing probably isnt.

They lift him up and begin to choke him

"Wait stop!!" Scott yells.

He throws a brother across the room and the other growls at him, Scott's eyes start to glow and he growls back.

"Its me Scott, I swear its me, I don't know where I've been the past few days, or what I've been doing, but this is me I promise" he tells them

"You know what happened at the hospital?" The brother that Scott threw against the wall said.

"Stiles, your okay?" I say as I walk into the room.

"Alex" he says, everyone turns to look at me and I see Void wink at me.

"When did you get here?" Ethan asks.

"Just after you tried to kill my bestfriend" I tell him.

Void points to a bag on the floor and I look at it.

"What's this?" I ask, I pull out a blue piece of paper, it's the hospital blue prints.

"Its the blueprints of the hospitals electrical wiring you see all these markings in red , that's my handwriting, I know I did this, I caused the accident" Void says.

"And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be apart of something bigger" he says.

"What the hell have you been up too?"

"I think something worse, a lot worse" Void says.

They all start looking through the bag and start pulling out power tools.

"What the hell were you doing building a terminator?" Aiden says.

"Thank you for that" Void says sarcastically.

"Guys this is a map" I say grabbing a paper in the bag.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?"

"That's were Malia Tates family died" I say.

"You mean that's where her dad put the bear traps" Void says.

The twins and Scott run out of the room.

"Hey I gotta keep up the act, but you need to cause more chaos, so go cause drama with those people who are supposed to be watching you" Void tells me.

I nod and he runs off with Scott, I go back to the house and when I step into the room Castiel puts handcuffs around my wrist.

"Your not Alex" he says in a deep tone.

"Okay, I know what it seems like but I am, I really am, I woke up in school and I have no idea how I got there, please believe me" I tell him.

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