Chapter 2, The hunt

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~Alexs POV~

I quickly pack my bags and head out the door.

Bobby sends me on a case where girls are disappearing at bars and never are seen again.

Bobby thinks it's vampires, me?, I'm not so sure.

I quickly arrive in Hartington Nebraska, and check into to a hotel named Redbird Crossing, as I am unpacking, I hear a knock on my door.

I look through the peep hole but don't see anyone, I just shake it off and continue to unpack when I hear the knocking again.

I grab my gun and walk over to the door slowly, this time when I look through the peep hole there was a women there.

She looked scared, her eyes were frantic and her hair was a mess, I put away my gun and let her in, she immediately came in and locked the door behind her.

As I was about to ask her what happend to her, she quickly explains.

"Okay, you are probably wondering who I am and why I came knocking on your door, my name is Lilly...Lilly Argent, I just got away from this guy that kept me hostage and nobody else would answer their doors so I am so grateful you did".

I look at her astonished, 1. Because she was one of the missing girls and 2. She was an Argent, they are one of the most famous hunter family lines, but she doesnt say she's a hunter so she might not know about the supernatural yet...

"Wow, did they hurt you?, who were they?" I ask as I am still trying to comprehend if this is a dream or not.

"Not who, but what....i know this is gonna sound crazy but he hypnotized me for days but I broke the hypnosis and ran here" she says frantically.

"You can stay here if you want to, you can borrow some of my clothes and freshen up" I said trying to make her more comfortable.

She takes my suggestion and stays, I start to research if vamps can hypnotize people but nothing came up so I stopped.

"So what's your name?" Lilly asked

"My name is Alexandra but you can call me Alex" I say as I am walking to get clothes out from my bag.

"That's a pretty name" Lilly says

"Thanks, I'm gonna go out but I trust you here alone, when I leave just lock the door and be carerul" I say while getting ready in the bathroom.

"Okay, you be careful as well" Lilly says, staring at me while I walk out.

I leave and go to a bar named Alicia's, when I walk in I already feel about 6 pairs of eyes on me.

I ignore it and walk to the bar and order a beer, a girl walks up to me along with a guy.

"Hello pretty lady" the guy says.

"Ignore him, he's my friend" the girl says.

"It's alright I'm....Maddie" I say while looking at them, they look drunk.

"I'm Wendy and he's Jacob" the girl says as she looks me up and down.

I ignore them and finally the bartender comes back with my beer.

I get a phone call from Bobby so I walk away to answer it.

I come back a little later and pick up my beer and drink it again.

"The hell" I started to get dizzy, I suddenly faint when somebody catches me, but I still end up passing out.

Hey, it's the author, this part was a little weird huh?, Anyways I'm still editing the chapters because it been almost a year since I've edited this and I've got better at writing.

The next parts have a huge trigger warning, they will talk about SA, if sensitive to the topic I recommend not reading the next chapter, again ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ ⚠️SA⚠️

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