Chapter 6, part 2

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~Sam's POV~

Alex left our room fast, which is strange but i didn't really care, I was unpacking my bag when I heard Cas behind me.

"You could have told me you left, I was looking for you" he says annoyed.

"Sorry Cas we found a case, but what did you need?" Dean asks, I saw Dean smile, something he always does around Cas.

"Well I found out who Alex's mother is, her name is Kate Black, she apparently was a natural born witch and is powerful like Rowena but she didn't have to say spells in order for stuff to happen, she somehow just needs her mind" Cas says in concerned voice.

I could tell Cas was worried about how Dean would take the news but as I look over to Dean it looked like he wasn't really that concerned.

"If we saved Jack, the son of Lucifer, I think we could save a witch's child" Dean says in a comforting tone.

"Its getting late you two should head to bed, I'll just go back to the bunker" Cas says, and like that he was gone.

"Ok then" I get an angel blade and put it under my pillow and Dean does the same but with a gun.

"Goodnight Jerk" I say.

"Night Bitch" Dean says while getting in his bed.

~Alex's POV~

I wake up to Sam calling my phone, of course I answer it and he says we need to get going and that we are gonna be child trauma counselors so I needed to dress nice.

I grab a pair of black jeans, a formal looking t-shirt with a jean jacket.

I was putting on my shirt when I hear someone about to come in my room, I run into the bathroom and peek my head out.

"Sorry I didn't know you were changing" Sam says while covering his eyes.

"Its okay, what do you need?" I ask as I close the bathroom door, I only leave a little gap so I could hear sam better while putting on my shirt, I step out of the bathroom and grab a belt that was laying on my bed.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously.

"Your arm, did you go against a werewolf or something?" I look down and see a part of my sleeve was pulled up, thank God he only saw the back of my arm.

"Yeah a werewolf in Texas, but I'm okay" I say as I pull down my sleeve.

"Alright what's your fake name?" Sam asks.

"Lexi Rofa" I say.

Sam nods and looks at me again before leaving.

As we are about to leave I decide to take my car, it would look weird for three trauma counselors to get out of the same car.

When we get there, I step out of my car and feel a pair of eyes on me.

I look up and see my ex-girlfriend Shelby, she knew what I did for a job but didn't care, we ended up breaking up because I moved to Kansas.

I hushed her so she wouldn't reveal I wasn't a real trauma councelor.

"Child Trauma Counselor Matt Cliff this is my associate Reid Cooper" Dean says.

"I'm Lexi Rofa, nice to meet you" I say to Shelbys mother, Shelbys mom didn't know about me which explains why she doesn't reconize me.

I soon realized Shelbys brother Max was the kid who ran out of the woods, Shelby pulls me aside.

"Hey, it been a long time, how ya been?" She asks

"Fine, you?" I ask.

"Good" she says.

I look over and see Sam walking towards us.

"Hey, who is this?" Sam asks

"Oh, uhh this is my friend Shelby" I say "she knows" I whisper.

"Oh ok cool is Max your brother?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, please help him" Shelby says.

"We will I promise, now let's go before we look suspicious" I say, we begin walking to the room Dean is in with Max and Shelbys mom.

"So how did he describe the 'monsters', did he say anything unordinary" Dean asks.

"He says they were invisible but others weren't" she says, I could tell she didn't really care she just wanted Max to be "fixed".

I look at Sam who looks at me, we both thought of hellhounds, but what about the visible ones.

I walk to Max's room because I knew he would reconize me.

He stared at me for a minute but ended up running to hug me, after that he explained he wouldn't say anything about knowing me.

I hear Sam and Dean coming, so I just hugged Max one last time.

"I didn't give you permission to talk to my son alone" their mom says.

"Sorry ma'am I apologize" I say, I exit the room while the mother follows me, she turns me around quickly.

She slaps me.

"Don't go near my kids without my permission, you're only here to fix my kid so I suggest you do that" she says angrily.

"There is no such thing as fixing somebody its helping them get through stuff even if it's hard" I say.

She goes to slap me again but Shelby defends me.

"Mom stop, she is just here to do her job" she says while blocking me from getting hit, I push her aside and get slapped again.

"I said to not touch my kids, now you're just manipulating them" she screams, Sam and Dean walk out of the room and see what's going on.

Hey its the author, as you can see Shelby's mom is a bitch, anyways if I made any spelling mistakes tell me, thats all.

Love you 💕

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