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Alex wakes up to Scar sitting at the bottom of her bed staring at the door.

"You didn't harm yourself again did you?" Scar asks.

"No, I just wanted to go to my room because I was upset and tired" Alex says.

"Well a lot of bad things happen in life Alex, and there is nothing we can do about it, we just have to push through it, I mean look at Sam and Dean, they have gone through so much, they lost their mother when they were just kids, their father abused them mentally and physically, especially Dean..."

She takes a breath.

"Lucifer possessed Sam, Dean was a demon for like a month or maybe even more, and the ones they loved sacrificed themselves" Scar said.

Alex felt sorry for her brothers, she knew about all of the things that Scar mentioned but she was also disappointed that  she basically told her to suck it up and be like Sam and Dean.

"Dean never dealt with his trauma properly, and I don't know if he doesn't want anyone else to know so don't tell him I told you that, but my brothers never, sucked it up, they just don't talk about it" Alex said

Scar insighed, she got up and walked out of Alex's room.

Alex leans back down and thinks of what she said.

"She's upset?, she's upset?!, she literally told me to suck up my problems and she's the one upset?!, ugh!!" Alex mentally yells as she accidentally throws an alarm clock, making it shatter.

Alex puts her head into her hands and rubbed her eyes, she swings her legs off the bed and gets up, she walks to her closet and puts on a white long sleeve crop top, navy blue Jean's, and a pair of army green high tops.

She grabs an anti possession necklace, a couple bracelets, and 4 rings, she puts 2 rings on each hand.

She walks back over to her bedside table and wrote a note for the boys incase they wondered where she went.

Dear Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, and Scar.

I have left the bunker, I promise I'll only be gone for a little, I just wanted to let you know that I left.

And dont worry I brought my gun and karambits.
From: Alexandra.

She grabs her holsters and puts the weapons on her belt.

She teleports to Youngblood Bar, she walks inside and instantly people look at her, she ignored them and walked to the front of the bar.

"You new here?" A server asks, he was giving people drinks.

"Yep, what's your house special?" Alex asks.

"Lightning strike, but I suggest blood bath" he says as he cleans a cup.

"Let me get both, it's not like my brothers are here to stop me" she mumbles the last part but the bartender clearly managed to here her.

"Okay, and yeah I would know the struggle with brothers, I have an older brother and he's very protective" he says as he smiles at Alex.

Alex smiles back and pulls out her wallet

"Oh no need for ID, we name the bar Youngblood for a reason" he says as he winks.

Alex chuckled and put her wallet away, she pulled out her phone and Dean has called her 3 times.

"One sec" she tells the man, he nods his head as a response.

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