Chapter 11

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Alex: what if the spell wears off?, What is he gonna tell Sam and Dean?!

Scar: I'll make sure the spell doesn't wear off and he doesn't say anything if you promise you will try and stop doing that.

Alex: I promise, and thank you for being there for me Scar..

Alex decides to go to sleep to try and stop herself from thinking the worst.

The next day Alex wakes up at 6:30 am and decides to go to Shelby's house and tell her what happened.

~Alex's POV~

I sneak around to Shelby's window and knock on it.

She opens the window and lets me in, I tell her what happened even about Kate.

"Thanks Alex and I'm sorry about your mom" she says

"No problem but I am leaving today so I just wanted to let you know the hounds are gone"

"Cool" she says.

"Alright I should get going then" I say but before I could turn around Shelby kisses me.

I suddenly freeze and begin to get flashbacks of what happened with the sirens.

"Alex..." Shelby's face was now full of concern, she knew when something was wrong with me.

"I have to get going" I say as I quickly go begin to climb out her window.

"Alex!" Shelby yelled after me but It was too late, I was already driving away.

Once I was back at the hotel I packed my weapons and clothes.

I walk out to my car and put my clothes in the trunk while my weapons go back in the compartment.

"Dean?, you ready?" Sam asks, he nods.

As we were driving back to the bunker I promised Scar she would get into my room no matter what Dean had to say about it.

Eventually we make it back to the bunker.

"Can Scar please stay in my room?" I ask Dean.

"Fine, but make sure she stays in check" Dean says

I nod, I walk into my room and decide to listen to music and clean.

I change into a sports bra and shorts.

I listen to Led Zeppelin and Metallica for a while, tidying up my bathroom, and bed, before I hear someone walking towards my room.

I grab a flannel that was on my floor and slip it on.

I turn down my music and see Cas walk in.

"What spell did you use on me?, I can feel it but I can't get rid of it" Cas says to Scar

"I have my reasons" suddenly Scar speaks out loud

"Ok, go on" Cas says like nothing just happened.

"Well you walked in on Alex showering and she thought you were an intruder so all she wore was a towel and she accidentally dropped it, so I made you forget".

"What the hell...?" I whisper to myself

"Oh ok" Cas says.

"Also you got a thing for Dean" Scar throws in.

"Wait, what do you mean?, what's wrong between me and Dean?" he says while blushing a little bit.

"Isn't it obvious Cas, you are in love with Dean" I say glad he changed the subject.

"Look Cas, I'm no love expert, but you should never wait to tell people you love them, because one day it will be too late" I say.

"I got to go, bye Alex" Cas says, and just as fast as he came he left.

"Knock next time!" I say, I turn to look at Scar and she just smiles.

"How the hell can you talk?" I ask.

"I've marked you, I can now communicate to you however I want to and you can hear me too" Scar says.

"Just give me a heads up next time" Scar nods and I finish cleaning.

When I do finish I find Dean in the library cleaning his gun.

"What's up?" I say.

"Nothing, why?" Dean says not looking away from his gun.

"Do you like Cas?" I ask, as soon as I say that Dean quickly looks up and just stares at me.

"W..what?!" He asks, he clearly was nervous.

"It's so obvious Dean" I say with a small chuckle.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Dean says as he looks away from me and back at the gun.

"Sure you don't, you clearly like Castiel and I think you should ask him out" I say.

"Finally someone says something" Sam says while entering the room.

"Seriously guys we're just friends" Dean says, his cheeks begin to turn pink and I see him start sweating.

"Maybe I should call Cas and see if he can tell me if you're lying or not" I say

"No, don't!" he says

"Then just admit it Dean, we won't judge you for liking who you like, plus I'm pretty sure Alex is gay" Sam says looking at me.

"Not gay, it's called pansexual and I get more women than you ever will" I say, Sam just rolls his eyes.

"I don't like Cas okay?, he is just my friend" Dean says as he laughs, then it clicks.

"You two are already dating aren't you?!" I say excited.

Dean looks up and widens his eyes, his face is now extremely red.

"Wait, you're telling me that when I heard all that loud banging that was....." Sam looks at Dean and his eyes go wide.

"You fucked Cas!" I say loudly.

Hey it's the author, as you can see I very much ship destiel❤️, they're literally made for each other so don't be a bitch.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day❤️💞

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