Chapter 14

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~Alex's POV~

I put on a grey long sleeve shirt, a black flannel, a black pair of jeans, and a knife hoster.

I decide to only carry my knifes and leave a gun in the car incase something happens.

I walk to the library and see Dean and Cas smiling and laughing at each others comments.

"Alright Scar, we will be back, protect the bunker" I say looking at her.

She barks for approval.

"Alright I guess Dean and Cas are riding together and the rest are in my car" I say looking at everyone, they all nod and we start to leave.

When we arrive at the bar I immediately realize something was off, but I didn't say anything

A couple minutes go by and I decide to get something from the bar.

"Hey can I get a couple beers?" I say to the woman, she nods and leaves.

Suddenly I felt someone touching me slightly, a man in his 30's, he apologized and I ignored it, but he got more touchy, then out of the corner of my eye I see Sam waking towards me.

"Hey, stop touching her please" Sam says in a polite way.

He stops touching me and looks the other way but when Sam leaves he starts touching me again.

I shove his hand off me, but he just grabs my thigh, I wince and push him off of me.

"You're mine tonight, stop resisting" he whispers, he runs his hand on my inner thigh and I begin to freak out, flashbacks from the sirens pop in my head an my breathing becomes heavy

"I know you like it" he says.

"C'mon I know you like it, stop resisting" the sirens words flood my mind

He pulled out a knife that was in his jacket and pressed it against my side.

"Do what I say before you get hurt" he says as he moves his hand up on my private area

I quickly got up and it was hard for me to breathe, my breaths were short and I was having a panic attack.

He walks towards me quickly, I run to the bathroom but it's locked the man throws a bottle of beer at me, cutting my side.

"Bitch!" the man yells.

He looks around the room and goes behind the bar, he finds knives and everyone in the bar runs out when he throws one at me .

I then pull out my karambits and get ready to have a knife fight.

Everyone leaves the bar and I can see some are on their phone, I assume they're calling the police.

Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack stared at me concerned, my side hurt like hell and I was still breathing heavy.

~third person~

Alex and the guy start to fight, the guy ends up throwing beers at Alex and hits her a couple of times, Alex drops to the ground in pain, the man takes this as an opportunity to try and take Alex.

Alex quickly punches him in the stomach, he doubles over and groans.

"Are you okay Alex?" Jack asks.

"I'm fine" Alex says.

Her shirt now had 4 different blood spots coming from it.

"Do you want me to heal you?" Cas asks.

"No, I'm fine it's n.." Alex tumbles backwards as she gets punched in the stomach.

"Alex!" Dean yells, he goes to punch the man.

Alex steps in front of the man and pushes dean away.

"I'm done holding back on you..." she says.

She punches the man, he tumbles backwards, she continues to punch him and breaks three of his fingers.

"Never fucking touch anyone again!, you got that!!" Alex yells at the man, tears formed in her eyes

"You're a sick, sick man!, Never do that again!!!' she yells at his face

He nods quickly.

Alex gets up to leave but stops, she stumbles forward, a knife was lodged into her back.

She turns around and the man is smirking, her hands begin to glow and the man is thrown across the room.

Alex groans in pain, she tries to hide the pain in her eyes but she knew it was showing

Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Jack all stare at her extremely concerned.

"I'm fine, let's just get out of here" Alex says as she catches herself on a table.

Sam drives Alex and Jack back to the bunker while Cass and Dean go and get medical supplies.

"I told you Sam I'm okay, I will be okay" Alex says.

"No you're not fine Alex, and I'm tired of you saying you are" Sam says.

About 5 minutes later Cas and Dean got back and saw Alex on the table, she was picking out glass from her wounds.

"Why can't i just heal you?, why would you want to heal normally from this?" Jack asks.

"I'll be fine, Dean give me the med kit, I can do this myself" Alex says

She cleans and bandages herself, she even stitched her own wounds

"Now your back" Dean says.

Alex takes off the flannel and only lets Dean lift the back of her shirt, she didn't want them to find out about her self-destructive habits.

"Good as new, thank you" Alex says.

"Never do that again" Dean says.

"Mhm, I'll keep that in mind" Alex says.

She goes to her bedroom and the event flashes in her mind, events replay and so does the siren event.

She cries herself to sleep trying not to remember the torcher she went through

Hey it's the author I apologize for this chapter it wasn't one of my best, I didn't really know what to put but this is what I ended up with, I hope this doesn't trigger anyone that bad.

Anyways I love you💕

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