Chapter 4

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~third person~

Alex kept hunting by herself, she liked it until one day she didn't get to save everyone from a demon, after that her hunts started to cause more and more tragedies, making her feel guilty, she blame herself for everyone she couldn't save.

Time skip...

"Get off of me!" Alex screamed as she pushed the older man off of her, she remembered the sirens from a couple weeks ago and started to fall into a panic attack.

"Come know you want to, just let it happen..." He said as he smirked, that was Alex's last straw, she punches the guy in the face and runs to the bathroom, luckily they were one stalled bathrooms so they had locks on the doors.

She locked the door and fell to her knees as her breathing sped up and became strained.

"Hey get out here lady!!" The man screamed as he punched the door making it rattle.

Alex crawls to the corner on the opposite side of the room and hugs her knees to her chest as she cried.

Eventually the guy leaves and Alex falls out of the attack.

When she got her senses back she left the stall and noticed the man had his three friends around him and they were sitting at a booth staring at the bathroom.

They all got up and began to storm toward Alex, she quickly tried to run out but one of the men blocked the door.

She ended up punching the guy square in the jaw knocking him out which caused a huge bar fight.

Alex ends up knocking out the 4 guys and everyone else stops and just looks at her.

Police come but Alex ends up getting out of there before they show up.

She goes back to her hotel and cleans up, she has 2 bruises on her leg and 3 on her arms, she also has a couple cuts on her arms, she lays onto her bed and falls asleep.

She woke up to knocks on her hotel door so she gets up to answer it.

A female policeman is standing there, but Alex answers anyway.

"Ma'am were you apart of the bar fight last night?" The female officer asks.

"Yeah, but the reason I was is because this guy kepy touching me without my consent and I told him multiple times to get off me and he wouldn't so I punched him then his 3 friends attacked me" Alex explained.

The female officer understood, "we still have to take you into the station for more questioning"

"I understand" Alex said, she grabbed a fake ID by the name if Giana Jones, the ID said she was 25 years old.

The officer put her in the car and went down to the station.

They asked Alex simple questions like her name,age,parents,and why she was at the bar

Alex answered with all lies, they believed her.

"So you have no idea who your real parents are?" The female officer asked, she had a look of sadness on her face.

"Nope.." Alex said.

"Okay she checks out we can let her go" a male officer said.

"If that happens again call me, or ask for Deputy, Hannah" the women said

Alex nodded, she left and called a uber to pick her up, she asks the uber driver to drop her off at her hotel.

Once at her hotel Alex grabs the fake id and goes the the liquor store across from her.

She grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and a bottle of Spirytus Vodka, she walks to the register, the cashier looks at her up and down.

"It's for my friends party" Alex said.

"Where is your ID?" the cashier asks.

Alex hands them the ID and they give it back, and she walks out and over to her hotel room.

She drinks about 7 shots of the Jack Daniels and then decides to take a shower.

The next morning she slept in until 2 p.m.

Alex heard a knock on her door and ignored it at first, but then she heard a voice that she recognized.

"Alex?, You in there?" She got up and opened the door to see Dean standing there.

"Bobby sent me to check up on you, he said you haven't returned his calls" Dean said, concern laced in his voice.

"I'm fine, just tell him I'm fine, I will come back home later, and how the hell did you know where I was?" Alex asks.

"License plate, I take a picture of every person I know so if they go missing I can find them" Dean says.

"Well I'm fine, now if you don't mind..." Alex says as she begins to close the door.

Dean quickly held his hand in the doorway with a stern and concerned look on his face, he looked inside the room and looked around, the place was a mess.

"Alex?..., what happened?" He asks.

"Nothing!" She yells angrily, she covers her mouth and looks down.

"Sorry I just,...., I don't want to talk about it" she says.

Dean looks around the room again and sees the open whiskey on the table.

"Son of a Bitch, Alex I need you to tell me what's going on"

Hey its the author, this chapter was a lot to edit, but it was still a little shitty than my other chapters but that okay, I don't go off of old episodes I've already watched, its all sort of missed matched, so this doesn't originate in a specific episode just an fyi, so yeah.

If I made any spelling mistakes let me know

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