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I wake up to my alarm, and then dad runs past my doorway.

"Hey, I gotta go, it's a half day so you're leaving early" he says.

I get out of my bed and fall to the ground, the sharp pain in my head came back.

"Stiles you okay?" Dad asks.

I push myself off the floor and crack my ankles.

"Yeah, my ankle just gave out, I'm good" I say grabbing a shirt and a pair of jean's from my drawer.

"Okay, bye, love you"

"Love you too" I say, I grab a towel and take a shower, while in the shower I think of what could cause me head pain, but then I remember the other day, Alex's arms.

Those couldn't have been from anything else..., they were straight lines, not curves or anything, they have to be self inflicted, but apparently nobody else knows....I have to find out.

"Shit" I whisper, its 7:55 and school starts at 8:30, I grab my bag and shove my homework and books in it, I quickly put on socks and shoes and grab my jeep keys.

I run downstairs and get a water bottle from the fridge.

I drive to school and make it with 2 minutes to spare, I get into class right before the bell rings and sit down in my seat.

"Dude, Alex's heart rate has been off the rails, it's like she's having a panic attack" Scott tells me, I look at Alex and see her on her phone.

"Dude, she's looking through pictures of..., it's her with powers, someone sent her more..." I tell Scott worried.

"Okay class today we will be talking about those pictures i showed you yesterday, we recieved more pictures from an anonymous sender" the teacher says, I look at Alex and see her leg starts bouncing and she begins to bite her nails as she frantically types on her phone.

"Alexandra, is whatever your doing on your phone more important than what we are learning today?" I see Alex continue typing ignoring the teacher.



"Huh, what?" Alex turns off her phone and flips it over.

"Bring you phone to me" the teacher says, Alex texts one last thing and powers off her phone, she hands her phone to the teacher and he lays it on the corner of his desk.

"Now since i finally have your attention, give us your opinion on these photos" the teacher says.

He flips through photos.

"Now mrs. Winchester what's your opinion on these photos?, and what do you think someone would think if they saw this?"

Alex Diged her nails into her arm, causing her to wince in pain.

"Umm, I think it's all fake, and someone is clearly stalking this girl and photoshopping her with glowing hands" Alex says, continuing to dig her nails into her arm deeper.

"Okay then" the teacher says as he waves Alex off back to her seat.

Alex sat back down and looked at her arm, she scratched enough to where it would bleed

"Stiles, what's your opinion?".

*Alex's POV*

I look at the damage I did on my arm, I can't heal myself in class so i have to just sit here, dealing with the pain.

"Stiles, what's your opinion?" I hear the teacher say, I look at him and he's already looking at me.

"Ummm, I think it's not real, think about it, if supernatural beings were really real, what's the one thing they wouldn't want to do?, be discovered, so if this was a witch they would've made sure the evidence was deleted, and that is clearly just a random person stalking a girl then photoshopping her" Stiles says.

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