Chapter 10

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"You fucking bitch!" I yell as I charge at Kate but Sam blocks me.

"Is that the..." Kate stares at Scar in awe

"Yeah it is and you are not touching her" I say, Kate was seriously a bitch, if she thought I was gonna let her even go near Scar she's fucking crazy

"What do you mean?" Dean asks.

"Alex has control over one of the Guardian hounds" Kate says while still staring at Scar, the awe now turned into a hatred towards her and me.

Kate makes Scar visible to the human eye so Sam and Dean don't need to have demon sight in order to see her.

"What's a Guardian Hound?" Dean asks.

"Way back when heaven was created, God created hounds to guard the gates of heaven but during Lucifer rebellion, Lucifer somehow killed all of them except 3" Kate says.

"The hounds escaped the prison world Lucifer kept them in, and now they are choosing someone to protect, to be their owner until the person dies, then the hound chooses someone else to protect and it goes on and on until the hound is killed"

"Well how can they be killed?" Sam asks, Scar growls at the question.

"Just asking" Sam said to her.

"Well the only creatures who can kill them are God and Nepilim, I don't know what Lucifer used but whatever he did can kill them too" Kate said.

I glare at the witch and pet Scar as a warning not to even try to touch her.

"Alright then, anyways there was 8 hounds in total, me and Sam killed 3, how many did you kill Alex?" Dean asks.

"4, and that means Scar would be the last hound" I say.

Dean nods and it just goes silent for a good 4 minutes, eventually we get into my car and I turn on the radio, it plays Something in the Orange.

"You're not taking it with you are you?" Dean asks as he looks at Scar outside of my door.

"I am, Scar gets the front and you, Kate and Sam sit in the back" I say with a little laugh.

Halfway through the drive I look through the rearview mirror and see Dean sleeping and Sam is laying in his shoulder asleep aswell.

When we arrive back at the hotel I take about 3 pictures of Sam and Dean before I decide to wake them up.

When Dean wakes up and realizes Sam is laying in him, he quickly pushes Sam off it him, not hard but just a shove.

"I need to talk to you Alex before I leave" Kate says, I almost forgot she was even here.

I nod

Dean and Sam walk into their hotel room while I stay outside to talk to Kate.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for abandoning you as a child, I thought John would raise you" she says, I just glare.

"I will tell Crowley we killed the hellhounds but couldn't find the Guardian, and I'll say one of the hounds killed the demon" Kate says.

"Bullshit, you left me on purpose as a child, you knew John was a shitty father, he didn't care, neither did you, you proven that to me when you left me to get killed by that demon"

Kate just scoffs and smirks.

"Your a clever girl, but trust me, you have no power over me child" Kate's eyes glow and so do her hands.

"Goodbye Alex, I hope to never see you again" Kate says.

She then laughs and leaves.

I eventually walk to Sam and Deans hotel room and see Dean staring at Scar

"She is staying with us wether you like it or not" I say.

"No, when we get back to the bunker she stays outside" Dean says

"Please Dean, please let her stay with me" I beg

"I'll think about it" he says.

I nod and take Scar back to my room, I decide to take another shower and wash off all the gunk on me.

While I'm in the shower I hear someone in my room, so I quickly get out and wrap a towel around me.

I keep the shower on so whoever is in the room thinks I'm still in the shower.

I quickly grab an angel blade that I hid in the bathroom and open the door.

To my surprise I see Cas just standing there looking at Scar

"Why did you choose Alex to be the person you protect?" Cas asks.

"Cas you scared the shit out of me, next time you wanna pop in let me know" I say as I lower the blade

"Oh, sorry angel radio went off and said the first Guardian Hound chose its person to protect, so I traced her back here" he said

"Are you hurt?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I say, I look to where he was looking and dropping my towel a little lower.

"I saw those marks on your thighs and wrists Alex, is that what I think it is?" Cas asks, his voice was full of concern.

I begin to freak out when suddenly time freeze, I look at Scar and she barks, I quickly get dressed and see Scars eyes glow blue, Cas's eyes glow and then become normal again

Then time begins to reverse and I'm back in the bathroom, luckily I'm dressed this time.

I see Cas standing there staring at Scar, but then he disappears.

Scar: I froze time, erased his memory, and made time reverse, your welcome

Alex: thank you so much

Scar: you know when your witch abilities are fully intact you can do that right?

Alex: really?

Scar: yes, and your spells could be strong like mine

Hey its the author, sorry for any spelling mistakes, this chapter was another long one, anyways I have to go to sleep goodnight, good morning, or good afternoon ❤️

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