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Alex and Stiles drag Scott into the classroom but the board doesn't have the writing anymore.

"What, but it was just right there yesterday" Alex says.

"That's alright I still got the key" Stiles says as he reaches into his pocket and grabs his keys.

"What the...., it was here yesterday, I swear to god, it was here yesterday" Stiles says as he flips through his keys.

"I showed it to you right, I showed you the key" Stiles asks Scott.

"No, I did hear you talk about it though" Scott says.

"But, we were here, the numbers were on the board and he had the key to that closet" Alex says.

"So you unlocked the closet so barrow could hide in it from the cops and then you Alex you wrote him a message to kill kira?" Scott asks.

"Look I know how it sounds but just look at this, this is the news report that came out about barrow when they caught him, okay?" Stiles says.

"About the shrapnel bomb that he used, see this?, see what he used?, he put nuts, bolts and screws and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box he wrapped as a birthday present" Alex says.

"What does that sound like to you?" Stiles asks, he clearly didn't have much sleep and he talked fast but Scott seemed to understand him.

"Coach, the joke we pulled on coach" Scott says.

"That was my idea, you remember?, that was my idea, that's no coincidence, it can't be" Stiles says.

"I dont want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong but I don't think you're both trying to kill people either" Scott says.

"But it was here" Alex says.

"It was all here" Stiles says.

"Guys are you feeling okay?,you're both looking really tired" Scott says.

"Yeah I'm fine, just haven't been getting much sleep" Alex says, Scott stares at her with a disappointed look.

"Why don't you both go home, take sick day maybe" Scott says

Alex and Stiles leave the school and go to the Argent's house, aka where Alex and her brothers were staying.

"What the hell is going on with us?" Alex asks Stiles.

"I don't know but I'm gonna go see if Melissa can help" Stiles says, Alex follows him to the hospital and she waits in the waiting room for him to come out.

Suddenly the room turns black and Alex is stuck inside a locker again, she bangs on the locker and it echoes.

"Where am I!, LET ME OUT!!" Alex screams, she hits the locker again and it bust open, she finds herself in her old locker room.

she starts to hear crying and then quickly realizes she was watching her past like a movie.

She sees the old softball team shove younger her inside a locker, they put a pad lock on it and they begin to laugh, and younger Alex begins to cry.

"Awww, she's crying, how pathetic" a girl says.

"Please....., let me out" young Alex begs.

"Nah, I think well wait until practice is over" says a girl as she kicks the locker making a loud thud echo.

"Let her out, let me out" Alex says.

"Please, please let me out!!" Younger Alex crys.

"Bye loser" another girl says, the team walks off and leaves the young girl stuck inside the locker.

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