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I run over to Stiles and see him bleeding from his arm, I pull up his shirt and bruises aline his stomach.

"Well what are you gonna do now Alex?, kill me?, or save your little pathetic friend?" I clench my teeth and start to heal Stiles with a spell.

"in scopum sanabitur" I mumble, Stiles wounds heal

"What the hell?!" The demon says.

"You could've killed him" I whisper.

I walk over to the devils trap and step inside, the demon backs up but can't get out.

I expel the demon from the body and then send all of them home.

"Alex?" I hear, Stiles woke up and is trying to get up off of the ground.

"Stiles..." I finish healing him and help him up, he looks at me confused then he looks back at the devils trap.

"Don't you wanna get rid of that?" He asks, I shake my head.

"Where did all the people go?" He asks, I explain what happened.

"Here, if something ever feels off and you know its not a werewolf, call me, there's a lot you don't know about Stiles" I say giving him a piece of paper with my number on it.

He nods taking the paper, I walk back to my car and drive off.

I get to the Argents place around 7:00.

"Hey you okay?" Stiles asks, I nod.

"Please tell me you didnt kill anyone" Scott says.

"No I didn't" I say.

"What's that smell?, are one of you bleeding?" He asks, my eyes widen, one of my cuts must've opened from earlier.

Scott checks over Stiles and I heal myself quickly before he could get to me.

"You okay Alex?" Stiles asks me.

I nod and show him my hands and face, he looks at my arm longer then I expected, I see part of my sleeve was pulled up showing my scars, i pulled my sleeve back down and put my arms behind my back and he looks at me concerned.

"Wha....?" He tried to ask, I quickly look around, nobody else noticed so I cut him off.

"Why did you make us come here?" I ask Sam and Dean, Stiles still stares at me concerned.

"Oh, uh, okay well, describe what the witch looked like" Scott says.

"She was young like 13, but I think she used a young spell, the same one she used on me" I say.

"What did she look like?" He asks me.

"She was blonde, she had brown eyes, and she had a symbol oh her wrist, it looked like a skull but with an infinity sign under it" I say.

"Hey look i found a lure that matches that symbol, apparently their called eternal death witches, their main goals are usually to create more witches, basically creating a coven" Sam says looking at me concerned.

"The victims usually turn young and they have a infinite symbol behind their ear, when the time comes, the witch will call her victims/coven to war and they are forced to fight along side her"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!, I just had to kill my mother who was a witch, and now I gotta kill or possibly capture another one to reverse this spell she did on me?!" I am pissed.

Scott looks at me like I'm crazy, he clearly didn't trust me or my brothers.

"Is it behind my ear?" I say.

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