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*Stiles, Scott, Dean and Cas's POV*

"Alex?!" I say running to her door.

She locks the door and I try to bust in but her body's against the door.

I hear her start to hyperventilate and start whispering to herself.

Dean pushes me out of the way and bangs on the door, he is also unsuccessful at getting in.

"Alex!!" Dean yells as he begins to kick the door.

"Alex let us in!" Scott yells, he pushed Dean to the side and he kicks in the door.

"Mountain ash.." Scott says as he stares at the grey line of dust crossing Alex's door.

Dean bust down Alex's bathroom door an carries an unconscious Alex out of the bathroom.

She has blood dripping down the side of her head.

"CAS!!" Dean yells, the angel comes running in the room.

"Omg..." Cas says.

"What did she do?" Cas asks.

"I think she had a panic attack and hit her head" Dean says as he sets her down on the couch.

Cas tried to heal her but cant.

"I don't know why but I cannot heal her" Cas says worriedly.

"What?!" Dean yells.

I grab a towel from the bathroom and a shirt that was laying on the floor, I rip the shirt and put the towel on Alex head, then I tie the shirt around her head.

"This will stop the bleeding for now, or at least make it slower, now we gotta take her to the hospital" I tell them.

"I'll drive" Dean says.

They carry Alex to their car and put her in the back seat.

Me, Scott and Castiel had to ride in the same car because there wasn't enough room for their car.

Finally we get to the hospital and I run inside.

"Someone help!" I yell, everyone stares at me confused and then Dean runs into the hospital with Alex in his hands.

"Oh my god" I hear multiple people say.

The doctors rush over to Alex and grab her.

"Scott?, what are you doing here?" Melissa says.

"Alex, she got hurt" I hear Scott say.

"And it's my fault, I did that to her..." he says sitting down.

"Scott, no, okay, don't blame yourself for something you didnt do, it's not your fault she hit her head" I tell him.

"Yeah but I caused her to have a panic attack" he says.

He looks at me and gets up, he hugs me and i awkwardly pat him on the back.

About an hour later, we still haven't heard anything about Alex.

My anxiety starts to rise, and I myself almost have a panic attack, but I calmed myself before I did.

"She's gonna be okay" Melissa says.

"Can I see her, please let me see her" Dean says.

"Mom meet Sam and Dean Winchester, Alex's brothers" Scott tells his mom.

"Oh, yeah, sure, you can see her" she tells them.

Sam and Dean go into Alex's room, Cas already left about 30 minutes ago, he went into her room, then came out and said she'll be fine but everyone still waited to see what the real doctors said.

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