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*Stiles POV*

I wake up to my dad standing over me with a worried look.

"Dad!, jesus don't do that, why are you watching me sleep?" I say as I lean up out of bed.

"Stiles why were things floating around your room?" Dad asks me with a worried look on his face.

"What?, what do you mean?" I ask

"When Alex was over here yesterday" dad said in a stern voice.

"Dad I told you she was part witch" I say calmly.

"Stiles I'm not stupid, tell me what's going on with you" dad says.

"Dad, don't worry about me, I'm fine" I tell him as I look away.

"Stiles, don't lie to me please" he says as he walks towards me.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Scott, even if I'm in trouble" I say still looking away from him.

"Okay fine, I promise" he says, he grabs my shoulder.

"Now please tell me"

"Dad, I have powers, I don't know how, and I don't know when I got them" I tell him.

"Stiles, please look at me" dad says.

"Its okay, I promise you it'll all be okay" he tells me.

"You promise you won't tell scott?" I ask.

"Yes I promise" dad says, i hug him.

"Alright buddy, you need sleep" dad says.

I nod.

He leaves and I act like I'm going back to sleep.

When he leaves i get up and put my ear against my door.

"He's fine Scott, he's just scared if the nogitsune takes over again" dad says.

I crack open my door and see him on the phone

"Yes Scott I'm sure nothing bigger is going on with him" dad says, I sigh of relief.

"Alright bye" dad says, he hangs up to phone and I go back to bed.

The next morning I wake up and get dressed, I check my phone and its 12:00 PM and it's saturday.

I check my messages and find 5 texts from Scott.

I check my messages and find 5 texts from Scott

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I start to text back but he calls me.

"C'mon Scott really?" I mumble.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"Stiles did you get my text?" He asks me.

"Mhm, and I don't get why your asking me these weird questions, there's nothing going on with me"

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