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Alex's POV

"What the fuck is happening to me?, Why can't I just be normal, why can't I just be human" I mumble.

The voice was still in my head, I wasn't gonna let San and Dean know that tho, because then they would baby me.

Why didn't you just fucking kill yourself?! You tried it before, try it again.

The voice screams in my head giving me an instant headache, I falls to the ground in pain, loud ringing began in my head, it felt like thousands of tiny needles jabbing me.

I hear muffled voices of people around me as I begin to lose my vision when suddenly I black out.

I wake up in a dark room with one light hanging above me, I see purple eyes in the distance glaring at me.

"What do you want?" I knew it was Kate.

"Wow, I'm surprised you could even recognize me, I feel special" Kate says as she steps out into the light.

"I said What Do You Want?!" I yell

"Is it a crime for me to visit my child?" Kate says, I roll my eyes.

"Okay fine" She waves her hand and a live video of the bunker appears.

"Who is she?, I've never seen her before" Kate says as she sees Scar walking around.

"Why do you care?, and how the hell do you have a live feed from the bunker?!" I ask frustrated, I look around and see a bunch of different monster species surrounding me.

"It doesn't matter, because soon there will be no bunker, there will only be rubble in the place where it once was, and that girl in there, she will be buried" Kate laughs.

"You bitch!, Why?!" I yell.

"Because I hate you, you turned into one of those, those hunters, the people who try to kill me!, Don't even try and stop me Alley, I'm stronger than you" Kate says.

"My name is Alexandra!, and I'm more powerful than you think Kate!" I scream.

I wake up and find myself surrounded by people, medics were around me and they were cutting off my sweatshirt.

"What the...." they stare at my arms and then at me, they notice I woke up and they try and hold me down.

"Get off me!" I scream, I get up and my hands glow.

I flashed my eyes and threw them off of me, everyone around me screams

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I flashed my eyes and threw them off of me, everyone around me screams.

I made everyone's phones explode, I didn't want anyone to find out about me

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I made everyone's phones explode, I didn't want anyone to find out about me.

I quickly get up and leave, I steal another sweatshirt that looks identical to the one I had on before and teleport back to the hotel, everyone looks at me concerned.

"Kate..., she..., she's gonna attack the bunker, we need to get there" I say quickly, Jack nods and everyone grabs onto each other.

He teleports everyone to the bunker, where the cameras can't see us, I then teleport and smash the cameras.

I tell the boys to find Scar while I put up warding for the bunker.

The boys explain to her what is happening and she nods.

"Okay the warding is up, and I used a couple spells to help strengthen the warding aswell" I say

"Good now all we have to do is wait" Scar says.

Third person POV

"Guys I think the warding is getting weaker and i can feel my spells getting weaker aswell" Alex says.

They all get prepared for whatever army Kate has made.

Suddenly the bunker door flies open and there stands an army of different monsters.

There are Werewolves, Vampires, Withches, Demons, Hellhounds, and a couple angles.

"Well won't you look at that, you got here fast" Kate says leaning forward on the railing.

"Bitch" Dean mumbles.

"Cas your on the left, Jack your from behind, Sam and Dean on the right" Alex says, Kate laughs.

The monsters jump off the stairs and attack.

Scar: Alex don't let your mother know how powerful you are.

Alex: I know, don't worry

Everyone was fighting the vampires when werewolves jumped down and fought.

Alex uses a spell and everyone saw hellhounds, there are a lot of them.

Dean groans as he falls to the ground, a hellhound had him by the leg and started to tear into him.

A bright light surrounds Dean and he is healed only to be attacked again.

Sam runs over to dean and kills the hound, Alex ends up killing off the vamps and Werewolves, she then realizes why there were so many hellhounds.

Kate was using a multiplication spell, Alex reversed the spell quickly and everyone continued killing the monsters.

They eventually all die out and Kate smirks.

"I'm very impressed, now for the real fun" Kate says, angels and demons jump from the railing.

"Fuck. You." Alex says, suddenly she is knocked down by a demon, she slashed the demons throat and gets up.

Alex continues to stab the demons and angels, she wished this was over already.

Alex noticed all the angels were looking at her, she realized that they can sense what she has inside of her, they also look at Scar, they know exactly who and what she is.

Angel's are surprisingly easier to kill than everyone thought they would, usually they are trained to fight and serve heaven but since it has fallen apart recently the Angel's dont really train anymore.

"Kate Alex is more po..." Alex stabs the angel before they could finish what they were gonna say, if they did it would ruin her whole plan, she needed Kate to think she was actually weak.

"Impressive" Kate says, "but not enough to fight me" she laughs.

Hey it's the author I figured out what to write for this part and its certainly isn't my best, I havent been posting a lot because I'm hanging out with my friend alot and I'm going on vacation soon.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are having a good day, bye 💕

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