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They arrive at a building that's glowing with blue lights, Stiles helps Alex out of the jeep and they walk inside, people are dancing, singing, and drinking.

"So what do you wanna do?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know but I'm gonna get me a drink" Alex says.

Stiles follows her to the punch bowl, Alex gets a cup for her and Stiles, she hands Stiles a cup and they drink.

"Hey you got someone to dance with?" Someone asks Alex.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks though" she says.

"Alright" the guy says as he walks back into the crowd.

Alex looked back over to Stiles but he's gone.

"Stiles?" She says.

No response.

"I guess I gotta do this old style" she says.

She walks around calling for Stiles but he never replies.

She sighs

"Ad tempus auditus a tinea" she says.

Translation: temporary hearing of a moth.

She walks around the building listening for Stiles, she hears him on the phone outside the party.

"Yeah I'm gonna tell her tonight, but I don't know how, how am I supposed to tell her that I wanna date her?" Stiles says into the phone, I blush.

"Dude just ask her, I'm sure she'll say yes, make her night perfect, enjoy the party then take her somewhere to eat, and finally go watch the sunset and ask her, if she says yes kiss" I hear Scott say.

"Okay, thanks Scott" Stiles says.

Scott laughs.

I hear Stiles end the call so I walk back to the dance floor.

"Hey" he says nervously

"Hey, where did you go?" I ask.

"Bathroom" he says.

I smile.

"Would you like to dance my dear sir?" I say as I bow.

Stiles laughs and nods.

We begin to dance and the moment feels magical, Stiles pulls me onto a random stair case and hands me a beer.

"Would you want to go eat somewhere?" He asks.

"Of course" I say smiling.

We drive to a take out place.

"I would have taken you to a steak house but I ain't got that type of money" Stiles says ashamed.

I laugh and smile.

"This is perfect, we aren't dressed for a steak house anyhow" he smiles and gets a burger with curly fries, I get the same but with milkshake.

We eat our food and talk about random things I see Stiles getting more nervous by the second.

"I know this really great spot for a sunset, would you like to come with me and see the sun rise?" I ask.

Stiles smiles and nods.

We drive to the top of a hill and park the jeep in a spot, I get out and feel the breeze on my face, Stiles smiles at me and stares, I look at him and he moves closer to my face.

"Can, can I kiss you?" He asks.

I laugh and nod

We kiss and he holds my back, I put my hands around his neck.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks, I smile and nod.

Stiles fist bumps the air and kisses me again.

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