Chapter 13, Learning

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~Jack's POV~

Dean called me for the first time in forever and tells me he needs my help, of course I ask why and he tells me to just come to the bunker and that it would be easier to explain there.

I go to the bunker and hug Sam and Dean, they show me a girl that was apparently their sister and they explain she was very powerful.

Her name was Alex.

They also include an extra detail and show me a dog named Scar who she explained was a Guardian Hound.

Scar looks like a wolf dog.

"Sure I'll help you, but it might take a while, learning these things take time" I say.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it, I'm sorry you have to deal with me" Alex says.

"Its not a problem, and I'm glad you chose me to help you" I say, Alex smiles.

"Cas!" Alex shouts, we hear a flutter sound and Cas appears in front of me, I quickly hug him.

"Sorry to ruin the reunion but I want to let you know something that Dean here has been avoiding for days" Alex says, I look at her confused.

"Cas they knows" Dean says, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait about..."

"They know we are together, they found out" Dean says

I look at Alex with a wide smile on my face, my eyes were wide.

"Hehehe, now kiss already!, I need to see it"

Cass and Dean give Alex an awkward look, Alex just stood there waiting.

Cas shrugged and kissed Dean.

"YES!!!" Alex screams.

"Uhhh, anyways, do you want to go learn now?" I ask.

I'm happy Dean and Cas were together but Alex's energy felt off, I think her power was growing.

Alex's happy smile turns into a faint smile, she just nods.

She shows me the training room and we get started.

I don't know exactly how powerful Alex is so I try and see what she can do first, she shows me things that I've never seen before, she is very powerful, just like Dean said, I need to somehow teach her how to control that though.

"Act like your manipulating energy, if you learn how to do that you should get in the hang of all your other abilities as well" I say

"Thank you, but Jack, I have a question" Alex says.

"What is your question?" I ask.

"How did you know you wouldn't turn out evil or bad?" Alex asks while looking down.

"I didn't, but I trusted Sam, Dean, and Cas to keep me from thinking that " I said, I could tell she didn't believe the same for herself.

"I'm gonna take a break, I'll be in my room" Alex said, and then she disappeared,.

I leave Alex alone for a while but then decide to go to her room to see what's wrong, but then I somehow connect to her brainwaves.

Scar: Alex do you really think I would choose a future evil person, no, exactly, which means you won't be evil

Alex: yeah but you never know, what if I change?

Scar: Alex that's not what I meant, I promise you, you won't be evil I will help you be a good person.

Alex: fine, but I need a drink.

I saw alex pull out a jack daniels bottle that had like 2/4 of the bottle left.

I see her take 2 big swigs from the bottle.

I knock on her door and she tells me to hold on a second, I could hear her trying to hide the bottle of whiskey, eventually she tells me to come in.

"Hey, you okay?, why did you run off like that?" I ask trying to act like I didn't just see what she did.

"Sorry I just....i dont know, I'm sorry" she says.

"Its alright, but I think you have learned enough today and I should probably go tell Cas about how good your process is" I say.

I leave to try and find Dean and Cas, and I over hear there conversation.

"Wanna go to the bar later, we can go with Alex, Sam, and Jack it'll be fun" Dean says

"Sure" Cas says.

"YO, ALEX, SAM, JACK, GET IN HERE" Dean yells.

"Yeah what's up?" I hear Sam say.

"Where's Alex and Jack?" Dean asks.

"She's taking a break, she's in her room" I say entering the room, I hate lying to them but I knew Alex would hate me if I said anything.

"Alright I'll go check on her" Cas says.

He disappears and reappears with Alex.

"Alright, we are all gonna go to a bar tonight, and lets have fun, we are leaving in 15 minutes so go get ready" Dean says.

Alex nods and Suddenly disappeared.

"That's new" I say.

"I learned how to manipulate the energy around me and now I can teleport" Alex says as she reappears.

Everyone looked shocked and just nodded.

Hey it's the author, I probably made a lot of spelling mistakes in this chapter so just let me know where.

Anyway I love y'all, gtg bye💕

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