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They continue to fight and fight, so much blood was on the floors and there were bodies everywhere.

"Can you answer one question for me Kate?, just one question?" Alex says angrily.

Kate smirks.

"Why?, why would you go through all this trouble just to kill your kid that you never knew?, I never did anything to you?, SO WHY?!" Alex screams.

Alex stares at the ground trying to calm herself down but she can't, the anger continues to build up inside of her.

"Oh sweetie, because I can" Kate replies as she maniacally laughs.

Alex looks up from the ground slowly and stares into Kate's eyes.

Kate jumps down from the balcony and pulls out a dagger from behind her back, she twist Alex around and holds the knife up to her throat.

Alex grins.

"Alex!, Let Her Go!" Dean screams.

"What?, did you finally realize that I'm gonna win?, Because to me it seems like I am, and I'm gonna kill all your little friends" Kate says.

"Nope, it's not that, I'm just laughing at the fact that you actually think this stupid little dagger could hurt me" Alex says as she presses the dagger closer to her neck.

"You're not gonna kill Alex, Put the knife down" Dean says.

"Put it down" Cas says.

"Do it..." Alex whispers

"Put It Down!!" Dean yells.

"Go ahead do it..." Alex says.

"Put it down!"

"Don't lay a...." Dean stops screaming when he sees Alex drop to the ground, a puddle of blood comes out from under her.

"You really thought you would win, god you hunters are so stupid, she was never gonna survive long anyway" Kate laughs, the boys begin crying, and Scar stares at Alex's body.

"See, there's some things that I failed to mention Kate, I'm more powerful than you think" Alex says as she gets up off the ground, the wound on her neck healing quickly.

"Alex!" Dean yells.

"HOW!, I saw the blood!, I killed you, you shouldn't be alive!" Kate screams.

"Well.." Alex's body glows red and she smirks

"How are you doing that right now!" Cas says amazed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!, What are you?!, How did you...when did you" Kate asks angrily.

"That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot." Alex says, a huge smirk across her face.

"Fine, you wanna play dirty, we'll play dirty" Kate says, her hands glow a deep purple and she laughs

"Guys I know you can hear me, find something that can kill this bitch while I hold her off, or maybe I can kill her first" Alex talks through her mind

"Just go, find something!" Alex yells.

Alex's hands glow and so do her eyes, she blasts Kate backwards, pinning her against the wall.

"What the hell Alex?!, I thought I told you not to reveal yourself to her"

"Sorry Scar, but please understand I couldn't hold in my anger anymore, I need to stop her, now you can stay or go help the boys, it's your choice" Alex said.

"I'll stay but you need to do most of the work, I'm still trying to keep my cover"


Kate throws an energy ball at Alex and hits get in the ribs, Alex groans in pain, she watches Kate blast Scar back and raise her blade about to stab her.

"NO!!!" Alex screams, she pushes herself off the ground and blasts Kate back.

"Don't touch her, or any of my family or friends for that matter" Alex says.

Kate growls and pushes herself off of the ground, she starts to breath heavy.

The boys rush into the room with a blade that Alex has never seen in her life, they call it the counteract blade, it apparently can kill any type of witch, at least that's what Sam and Dean said was in a file they found about it

The boys rush into the room with a blade that Alex has never seen in her life, they call it the counteract blade, it apparently can kill any type of witch, at least that's what Sam and Dean said was in a file they found about it

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Alex trusted the boys and whatever they said so she took the blade, Kate picks herself off of the ground and laughs.

"You think I'm the only one coming to kill you, well I'm not, you have one of the three guardian hounds, you will never stop being hunted, and not just because of that, it's also because your a Winchester, good luck at beating whoever's is next".

Kate grinned at the pain and anger in Alex's eyes, she knew her words had an effect on her.

"Goodbye mother" Alex as she slides the blade into Kate's chest, Kate gasped and takes her last breath, she then closes her eyes and falls to the ground.

Alex takes out the blade and watches as the blood poured out of her mothers chest.

Cas snaps his fingers and all of the body disappears, other than Kate's.

"Guys can one of you clean that up?, I'm gonna go to my room" Alex says as she leaves the room, she goes to her room and locks it, she enters the bathroom and grabs a razor that was hidden under the sink.

She cuts her thighs 6 times on both sides

You killed her, you actually killed your mother

You should feel ashamed, I mean why wouldn't you, your a burden, a worthless fagot who deserves to die.

"Shut up" Alex says as she hits her head.

Why should I?

You know it's true.

Alex ignored the voices and crawls into her bed, slowly falling asleep while the voice continues to talk.

No good
Kill yourself
Starve yourself
Fucking die...

Hey this is the author, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoy more chapters that are coming out, tbh I didn't expect anyone to read this so I'm happy that you guys actually like it.

If I made any spelling mistakes, let me know and I'll go back in and change them, anyways I got to go, bye 💕

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