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Alex drives to the store and buys school supplies.

Alex's phone starts to ring, its Dean.

"Hey Alex I think we found a lead , I found a dead body in the woods, I'll send you the pin location" Dean says.

"Alright I'm on my way" Alex says as she climbed into her car, she gets to the scene and hears sirens in the distance.

"Shit" she mumbles, she gets out of her car and sees the impala, she finds Dean passed out, a jogger sees them and begins running the other way.

Suddenly the woman passed out, Alex made her.

"C'mon we gotta run the cops are coming" Alex says as she wakes Dean up.

Alex and dean bolt to the cars and get out of there as quickly as possible luckily they got out of there right in time.

Alex calls Dean.

"What happened?" She asks

"Someone knocked me out, I guess they were the killer and they were gonna use me to take their place in jail" he says

They talk for a little longer before they hang up the phone and make it back to the hotel.

Alex parks and sees Dean on the phone with someone.

"Alex come here, Cas wants to talk to you" Dean says, Alex walks over to him and takes the phone.

"Alex, is this you?" Cas asks, Alex laughed.

"Yes it's me, what's up Cas?" She asks.

"When do you think your coming back to the bunker?" He asks.

"If you're worried about what me, please don't be, plus we'll be back after this case, I promise" Alex says.

"Okay, but be safe Alex, if there is a werewolf pack then the alpha is the strongest and the more in the pack the more powerful the alpha" Cas says.

"I know, you don't have to worry" Alex hands the phone back to Dean and goes to her room.

Eventually she falls asleep.

*Alex's POV*

I wake up to the alarm on my phone and quickly realize that I can't bring any weapons to school.

Well legally.....

I take a quick shower and change into a black t-shirt, white jeans, and black hightops, I grab a blue flannel, and put a pocket knife in my pocket.

I put a karambit in my bag, I also grabbed my phone charger and phone, I sneaked a gun inside a small pocket I had in my bag.

I lock the hotel door and drive my car to the school.

I pull up into a random parking space, and pull up the classes I have, I get out of my car and grab my bag.

I walk into the school and already am tired of it.

I start to walk to a classroom and look at the room number, it was the right room.

I walk in and find an empty seat, a girl sits next to me.

"Alright class we have a new student here today, make your presence known young lady" the teacher says.

I instantly regret being here but I know in the end I'll find the witch and the wolf and be on my way back to Kansas.

I stand up.

"State your name, where your from, and one thing about your family"

"Ummm, my name is Alexandra, I'm from Kansas, and me and my brothers are the only living family" everyone gives me weird looks, I just shrug and sit back down.

"Okay...., well anyways today we will be learning about the author Lisa Prett".

About an hour later the period finally ends and I find myself at another class.

I find an empty seat and sit down, this time a boy sits next to me.

"Alright class today we have a new student, may you please come up to the board and tell us your name, one thing you like to do for your free time, and one thing about you family".

I walk up to the board and notice that kid again, the one from the crime scene, he looks away from me, I must've scared him last time we talked.

"My name is Alexandra, I like to play basketball, and my brothers and I are my only family, me and my brothers like to travel, so I probably wont be here long" I say.

The kid looks at me sort of like he feels bad for me, I walk back to my seat and the boy who sat next to me looked at me funny.

When class ends I walk to the cafe and go outside, I sit down in a seat at a random table, I wasn't gonna eat that nasty ass lunch the school serves.

I feel the table shake and see a group of boys sit.

"Oh sorry I didn't know this was your table" I say about to get up, but I'm yanked back down by one of the boys.

"No, you're mysterious, I like that, how about we talk about your family, oh wait, they're all dead, weird thing to say on your first day" I try to ignore them and get up again.

"Oh no you don't" another boy says as they pull me down.

"Let me go" I say as I remember the sirens but unlike before I've gotten stronger and am not as scared as before.

"You know you're probably weak, that's why you can't even get away from us".

I try to get up again but they both try to pull me down, I stand up and grip their collars lifting them up out of their seats.

"I mean, you can think I'm weak, but I'm actually stronger than the both of you combined, all you are is just some loser boys who think picking on girls is fun" I say throwing them across the platform.

I dust off my hands and see a teacher coming outside.

"What the hell happened?!" She says, everyone else around me and inside looks at me confused.

"They wouldn't leave me alone and kept calling me weak, and look who's on the ground now" I say as I let out a slight chuckle.

"Young lady, my office, now!" She says, I scoff.

"Hello, yes, I think were gonna need an ambulance and police to come to Beacon Hills Highschool, a couple of students got into a fight and they look hurt, alight thank you, they're in the cafe outside area" she puts the phone down and stares at me.

Once the officers came, the lady drug me back outside, I see the boys looking angry.

Suddenly all of them charge at me, kids began to record.

I kicked one in the stomach making him fall backwards, I then punched the other one in the face, one of the boys tackled me to the ground, I smirk as he punches me in the face, I push him off and get up, he then tries to get up but before he could I grab him and hold him against the wall by the neck.

"You gonna calm down now" I ask, the boy looks at me with pure fear and quickly nods.

"Good" I say as I let him go.

"Okay young lady were gonna have to take you to the station, what just happened here was self defense but what happened before were gonna have to get three eye witnesses to prove your innocence"

The same sheriff from the crime scene a couple days ago says.

"Wait dad, I'm an eyewitness she did nothing wrong, they would let her get up, she was trying to leave the table and the boys kept pulling her down, so she used self defense" there he is again, the boy.

"Alright Stiles, get your jeep and come to the station to put your point of view in, and you young lady, you're gonna have to come with me" he says, I scoff again and nod.

Hey it's the author and if you cant tell by now I added Teen Wolf into the story I don't know if this will make it better or worse in your guy's opinion just let me know.

Bye 💕

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