New years 2021- Leonardo

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A/N: okay guys yeah i didn't write in the past month, I fell into a very deep depression. I started doing therapy and I feel better now. But just stuff has been going on and i work 40 hours plus school, but I think about y'all everyday so don't worry. I see y'all's notifications too :) so this might not be the best since I haven't written a scenario in a while, but I hope to give it my best. I hope y'all like it

2020. The year no one expected, the year that covid 19 was brought upon everyone. After the first deadly case, Leonardo was really anxious about you seeing him and going out, he was very protective and did not want you getting sick. It was New Year's Eve finally, who didn't want 2020 to be over right.

You were in your restroom, fresh out the shower getting ready for the get together in the evening to celebrate New Years with the turtles.

You looked down at your phone

"Hey babe, just making sure, are you still going to come this evening?" - Leo

You smiled and sighed, why wouldn't I?

"Yes honey. I already have my outfit set. I'm not staying home for New Years lol"
You set your phone down and began drying your hair with the blow dryer

"Okay.. just making sure.. make sure to wear a mask and to be covered. It's going to snow tonight. Stay safe and text me when you're leaving"

You smiled, when will he stop being so overprotective? I mean not that you cared.. if anything.. it was cute.

"Will do babe. Love you"

"Love you too❤️"

You set the phone down and finished drying off your hair, then you curled the ends. Afterwards, you started applying your New Years makeup, a little bit of gold eyeshadow with a Smokey eye, and of course the red lipstick. Let's not forget some eyelashes and the winged eyeliner of course. You went to your closet and looked through the countless amount of clothes.

"Let's see.. what do I wear?" You thought

You took pictures and sent them to Leo in hopes that he would respond. 2 minutes later he replied,
"How about you wear nothing? ;)" . You blushed deeply and smiled, then replied
"You're such a dork. You know I can't. Now help me pick please 🙄".

"That's wack. I mean it's no use to wear clothes if either way by the end of the night they'll be off ..."

You scoffed with a smile, how sexual can he freaking get??


"Alright alright...  I like the black shimmery dress with the black heels"

"Thank you"

You rolled your eyes and quickly got dressed into the outfit your boyfriend had picked out, then you put on your black heels, grabbed your coat and your mask then headed out. 
"How the hell am I going to jump into the manhole without getting myself dirty?" You thought . You were looking around trying to see how you could jump in. It was quickly becoming dark and cold as well, and soon cops would be out to make sure no one was out.

You sighed but then you got pulled from behind, someone covered your mouth. You screamed and elbowed the person, and stepped on their foot. They quickly released you, followed by a loud "son of a -"

You came into contact with your blue eyed turtle.

"Oh my god babe I'm so sorry. You scared me!"

He winced and smiled, " no worries.. all that training really has been helping you huh.."

You chucked nervously.. "yeah.."

He hugged you and you hugged him. You hadn't even noticed he was wearing a nice new tuxedo until he pulled away.

"Wow you look.. great" you said

"Thank you.. you look beautiful as always." He said as he looked you up and down, inspecting every single feature about you.

"Shall we get going?" He said

"Yes" you said and smiled. He jumped down to the manhole and then he signaled for you to jump into his arms.

"Are you sure?" You asked

"Duh. Come on"

You jumped and he quickly gripped you with his strong arms. He smiled and kissed tour forehead. Carrying you bridal style all the way to the lair.

When you arrived you greeted everyone and had drinks with them. Donnie, Mikey, and Raph were with their girlfriends, everyone looked happy and nervous at the same time, In wonders of what the new year would bring.

Leo took you to his room where you guys Hanged.

"Oh look Leo, Snapchat created this collage of all the pics throughout the year. Crazy huh?"

"Let me see" he said and pulled you closer
As you showed him the video, he smiled and you noticed a tear form.

"What's wrong honey?" You said as you hugged him

"Oh nothing. It's just. This year has been one of the worst years.. from not being able to see you for months, to us fighting. It's just been hectic. But I'm just glad I have you here now with me, safe. I love you (y/n), a lot. And this year has taught me to never take you for granted."

You smiled and cried.

"I love you too Leonardo." You pulled him in for a kiss and he kissed you back.

*Door busts open*

"Hey guys! The ball is about to drop! What are y'all waiting for??" Mikey screams

"Oh... sorry" he says, quickly noticing he had burst in

"Damn it mikey!" Leo yelled

You laughed and got up with Leo.
"Cmon. Let's end this year and begin a new one together."

You and Leo were holding hands as you saw the ball drop, 3.. 2... 1....


Leo immediately pulled you into a memorable kiss, his hand placed on tour waist, and the other holding your cheek. You felt yourself blush and gripped his arms tightly.  He opened his blue eyes and you opened yours, coming into eye contact

"I will forever love you.. Cheers to many more years with you, (y/n)"

"Cheers to many more, Leo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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