Change./Going into halloween store-Mikey

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So sorry again i didnt update.Ill write down the scenario down here👇🏻👇🏻But i wont update until next week.One,we have serious family problems that im not ready to tell out..Second,school.Yea..Sorry...

You and mikey were out skateboarding when all of a sudden you saw mikey fall down his skateboard and point out to your right.You turned and saw in BIG BOLD LETTERS sayin,"SPIRIT HALLOWEEN."

You instantly looked at your beloved then you smirked.

"Lets go!"

Both of you ran to it and it was a bit packed.But it looked worth it.You could see different kinds of costumes and decorations.There were scary ones and cute ones along with some stupid ones.

"Im afraid we cant go in mikey."you said gloomily

"Aww why?"

"Well first off,im not trying to be mean but you're a turtle.People dont expect to see giant talking turtles in the city of new york...UNLESS..."

"Uh oh (y-n) has an idea.."

You looked at him evily

"Unless you say its a costume."

"what?!Are you crazy?!!Noone will believe that!"

"Why not?It is a halloween store.Many people go to halloween stores in their costumes mikey."

"I-i guess so.."

You jumped happily and grabbed his arm.Then you skipped towards the door.Once you entered a lot of heads turned your way but you didnt care,well actually you did because they all had colored contacts on and pale faces.


They all widened their eyes then turned back to their bussiness.

"Phew,cmon mikey."

You and him walked down many aisles looking at the cool stuff.

"Ohh i bet this would get raph sooo mad haha!"he said as he picked up a can of green goo

"Oh yea lets take some of that!"

You said as you grabbed four cans.

"This is all?"you asked

"Mmm.. "He said curiously and then his mouth dropped and he have you the other 4 cans

He quickly ran to the huge display which showed a large cockroach

"THIS.WILL.DO."he said and took one of the huge packets.No kid that thing was huge it was atleast 6 feet wide,the size of mikey!

"Omg raph is going to be so scaredddd.!!"

You giggled and you both went to the counter to pay.

"60$"said the emo cashier and you payed her.But right when you handed her the money she gripped your hand and pulled you towards her.Her eyes flashed bright red then her mouth opened and black smoke poured out.

"Mikey!!Help!!"he got out his nunchucks and jumped over the counter and punched her.

"Leave my babycakes alone weirdo!"

You got up and the lights had turned off

"What going on?"you whimpered

"I dont know,we need to leave."

You grabbed the bag and took off running.But the entrance was locked and boarded up.

"What the heck??This wasnt locked!"you yelled

Suddenly you both heard a little girls voice.

"One two..Im coming for you.."

Your mouth dropped and your eyes widened along with mikey.

"Theee four..Better lock your door."

The voice seemed to be getting closer.Out of the corner of your eye you saw something black crawling backwards.You turned and sure enough it was a young girl in a blood-stained dress and her head was spinning as she crawled backwards.

"RUN!!!!!"you screamed in fear

Mikey was going ninja mode,running faster.He never got tired mostly because he was a ninja anddd hes really hyper.abut you were getting tired.

"M-mikeh!!Wait!!Im going to st-"

"NO MA'AM NO REST BREAKS!"He said and carried you


He speeded up and the girl was screaming

"Five six get your crucifix."

Mikey couldnt hold the fear no more so he ran through the brick wall and both of you fell and rolled down the hill into the safe streets of NYC

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT MAN."mikey said in shock




Finally you guys catched your breath and looked back.There she was.Bending backwards and crawling in circles yelling curse words.

"Now thats fucking scary im outta here."you said

"Thats right!Bye felicia!"mikey said and he sashayed next to you as you burst laughing

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