Fighting with his bro's gf-Raph and leo

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Okay so its the same girlfriends but a different fight mkaii?

"Raph,i honestly dont want to meet her..I dont like human beings"

"Cmon youre a human!Im a human!"

"Actually youre a mutant turtle"

"Whatever!Just try to be you and dont fight her."

"One,im only myself when im around you,Two,i dont promise i wont punch her face inside her body if she pisses me off"

"-sigh- lets go"

You and raph left your apartment and made your way towards the lair.You were wearing a shirt that said,"Black Veil Brides", some jeans and vans.Your hair was in two dutch braids and your makeup included some eyeliner,red lipstick and mascara.Oh and you were wearing your nose ring and lip ring.

Once you arrived,there were two voices.One you already knew,it was leo.But the other one it was really high,and girly.

"Hey leo."Raph said walking in

"Hey raph,this is (Leos gf name)."

"Hey Raphael!"


"Oh (leos gf name),this is my girlfriend,(y-n)."

"Hello (y-n)."


"So what do you guys want to do?"leo asked

"What about pizza and a movie?"Raph asked

"Sounds great" you said

Leos girlfriend just sort of smiled and kept glancing over at you.

"Well raph and i will go order it up."


You took out your iphone and earphones,then blasted some Screamo.

(Leos gf name) looked at you and cringed up her nose.

"What?"you asked.

"You know,screamo is music from the devil.So you worship him."

You took out one earphone and rolled your eyes at her

"Excuse me?Wosrhip him?You cannot judge a person by their taste in music retard."

"And black veil brides is a sucky band."

Your eyes widened and your blood started to rush.(remember the your super powers scenario?Yup....)

"Listen here sweetie,"you spat,"i barelt met you and youre already annoying me.And trust me im not a person to upset ok?"

You placed your earphone back into your ear but you lowered the volume a bit.

"Psh.You?You cant do nothing to me.What are you? A little piece of shitty emo fag."

You looked at her then your eyes went black as charcoal.


"You shouldnt have said that."

You dodged at her and your black smoke poison was already coming out of your palms.You placed your hand over her mouth and nose,making her suffocate.

"WOAH!!(Y-N)!" Raph and leo screamed and raph quickly went to take you away from her but your skin was flaming hot.

"(Y-n)!!Please stop!"Raph begged

You turned into mist and dissapeared.Raph furrowed his "eyebrows" and leo ran to his gf.

"What happened?!"leo asked

"Sh-she attacked me.."


"(Y-n) doesnt atrack unless she has a good reason.."raph said

"Yea.."leo agreed

"I-i guess..I took things too far..I told her that she worshiped the devil if she listened to screamo."

Raph made a "You really shouldnt have told her that" face

"I'll go apologize..if i find out where she is."

"Ill go find her"raph said
Listen to photograph-Ed sheeran while reading this!!! Or else it wont have emotion.
You were on the roof of a building,looking down at the beautiful new york nightlife.

"I thought you would be here."

You looked behind and saw your boyfriend..He sat down next to you and admired the people also.

"You okay?"

"I guess so..i never knew people were so mean you know..I mean..i already have an abusive stepfather.My life was always crap until i met you.I guess ive been a mutant too..Since i have this curse..ive always been the weird one at school.The odd one.The creepy girl."

Raph leaned in closer and placed an arm around and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"So who cares if youre weird?Im weird.Weird is awesome.Odd is unique.Creepy is kinky."

You snickered.

"I love you raphael."

"I love you more (y-n)"

It was quiet until you heard a few footsteps

"Im sorry (y-n).."

You looked at her.She was with leo holding hands and she had a soft smirk.

"Whatever..I forgive you but get this through your thick skull..I NEVER forget." You said and went back to resting on raphs shoulder

"Lets go leo.."

They left..And you started to tear up.

"Cmon (y-n)..Youre strong...Youre my angel..My angel that has been through so much..My angel that isnt perfect,but cares and loves more than others.."

You hugged raph and he hugged you.

"Thank you raphie.."

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