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-Tuesday night-

You and raphael were working out until you finally gave up and decided to go to bed.

"Raph im tired lets just go to sleep please"

"Fine i guess so."

You smiled and left with him.Of course you took a shower and whatever before you went to bed so yea.But that afternoon,you and your mom had gotten in a argument and you yelled at her some words you didn't mean to say.

"Goodnight (y-n)"Raph said as he pulled you into his muscular arms and kissed your head.

"Night raphie"

Soon,your eyelids felt heavy and before you knew it you were sleeping.

-In your dream-

"(Y-n)!!"Your mom called you from the living room

"Ugh what does she want now?"you mumbled angrily as you got up and left your room

"What?!"You said in a mean way to your mother

"First don't talk to me like that,im your mom and you need to respect me.Second of all what did i tell you about your shoes and eating in the living room?"

You rolled your eyes at her

"Hey,don't give me attitude"

"I can do whatever i want to you!First you tell me to act like a older girl but then when i want to do some stuff that i like you say that im too young!You confuse me all the freaking time!Im tired of you!"

"Well you need to understand that there are still some things you aren't old enough for!"

"Whatever!"You stomped into your room and went back to listening your music full blast

Suddenly she barged inside your room

"Hey!Keep the music down!(baby sis or bro name) is sleeping!!"


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me i said no!Now leave the room!!"

"This is my house not yours,but when your 18 you're more than welcome to leave the house and become responsible!"

You got up and walked towards her

"This is my room and your invading my personal space woman,move!Shoo!"You started pushing her back

"Don't come in here again!"and with that you gave her a last but strong shove that she fell and twisted her knee and hit her head hard on the cold floor


Blood started pouring out of her head

"Call 911!!"

"No you do it!You're grown up enough right?!"

You turned around and slammed the door

-1 hour later-

You opened the door to go get something to eat but when you looked down your eyes widened and nothing could come out from your mouth..There laid your mother that took care of you all your life,dead,covered in her own blood and her kneecap sticking out..

You fell on your knees and water formed in your eyes


You grabbed your moms head and held it close to your chest while your arms wrapped around her chest and stomach.

"MOMMY!!NOOO PLEASE WAKE UP IM SORRY PLEASE MOM NO,DONT LEAVE ME...Cant you see?Im so torn apart without you...Please mom.."

From across the room came out your little sis/bro.

"(Y-n),what happened to mom?Why is she sleeping on the floor?"

You cried harder than ever.

He/she ran next to your mom and hugged her.

" killed her!!Your a killer!"your sibling screamed at you

"We were supposed to have a picnic tomorrow and have fun but now shes gone and its all your fault!!"

"W-wha-N-no (siblings name),its not what it looks like!please forgive me!I-i didn't mean to!!"

"I hope you die!"He/She said and ran back to the room

"Im so sorry mom..Im sorry!!"


You woke up with tears already running and your hands trembling

"Woah!! Calm down (y-n)!! what going on?!"

You breathed heavily while you ran your hands through your hair

"I-i need to go apologize to my mom raph lis right now!!No time to waste im sorry i gotta go!!"

You got up and started putting on your shoes

"Ill come with you"

"Raph no,im okay i just need to say sorry"

"Im still coming cant let you go out alone at this hour"

You grabbed his face and kissed him on his mouth

"Okay cmon"

-in your house-


"Cmon mom please answer the door.."

After a few seconds the door creaked open and there you saw the woman who had brought you to this world where you have had a lot of problems but also a ton of blessings and one of those blessings was raph and her.

You instantly ran up and hugged her as tight as possible

"Mom I'm so sorry!!Please forgive me mommy please i didn't mean the words i said earlier i was just mad because you know i'm a messed up teenager with anger issues!!I love you mom!!"

"Shh!!Okay okay sweetie..Its okay honey..I know your a teenager and you have problems..I forgive you my baby"

She kissed your forehead

"Thank you so much mom..You don't know how much that meant for me mom"

She smiled warmly

"Goodnight mom.."

"Goodnight darling."
And with that she closed the door and you let out a heavy sigh

"That was nice"Raph said

"Shut up i had to i felt bad and the nightmare was about her.."

"I did the right thing (y-n)"

"Thanks raph"

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